Landing in Montreal
Hi there!
Today finally I landed in Montreal.
My appointment was at CIC - Montreal at Saint- Antoine Street e was pretty smooth and easy.
The agent that interwied us was very kind and just asked 2 things:
-If I had any criminal record in or out Canada
-If I had any dependent in or out Canada
And he asked my hubby if he agreed with sponsorship
There was just one problem. I cannot have my SIN yet. For some reason I have to wait till my PR Card!
He did not understand as weel why I was not sent to landing at Service Canada ( Rene -Levasque) in some kind of "massive landing" and for some reason I will have to wait for SIN. It is not a problem to me right because I will study for some months before to work, but ..
I would like to appreciate all the very important info and support that I got in this forum. Special thanks for MaxLet that helped me a lot and Guri for keep the timeline updated.
I also wish good luck to all of you guys that are being in this process. I hope you have a very happy life here in Canada.
All the best
(and Go Brazil Go in World Cup
