Hello everyone, Super newbie here! I am currently residing in the US and have been and planned to my entire life, until I feel in love with a Canadian almost a year ago. We both want to get married, especially so we can be together. I will be going to him since it is easier for me to get a job then for him to leave behind the work he has lined up to start this fall.
We have just begun to fill out the paperwork now. We aren't sure yet if we want to go Inland or Outland, but we could start the process earlier if we got married in a courthouse this summer in my state, but then had our major ceremony with family and friends early next year in a church. I really don't want to move there and not be able to work, and these work permits sound so confusing and can take a while to get. I wouldn't move to Canada with him though until after the church ceremony early next year (2014), which would give us around 7 extra months for immigration stuff to go through...
What are your thoughts on this?
Coming from the US, is it better to go Outland or Inland?
Any tips of things you ran into that could speed things up, or what not to do?