Alurra71 said:
I'm sorry I filed before you. I'm sorry they processed applications faster back in 2012. Does that help you to feel better?
All sarcasm aside Alurra71, you should well know by that our situation is different from yours and I hope that I have galvanized at least one person on this thread to do something, rather than listen to this defeatist/conformist narrative of "sit down and shut up".
Remember everyone, even when it comes to government, the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Remember Susana Bustes, the expectant, Peruvian mother (and inland applicant) who didn't have BC healthcare?
Once they put a camera on Terry Lake, BC's Health Minister, he folded like a 2 dollar lawn chair and said they would show compassion in the case.
How about Anya Sass, who went public and got CIC to reverse it's decision on her husband's visa refusal from Syria?
We're getting what we deserve, everyone. You don't necessarily have to get up on a soapbox, or lead an angry mob to the doors of the CIC offices. If you haven't done so already, I encourage you to sign up for a twitter account, even if it's under a pseudonym, and let @ MinChrisA, @ CDayOttawa and @ CitImmCanada know that you are concerned about these worsening processing times. While you're at it, let Toronto Star Reporters @ nkeung and @ debrablack know that you have something to say about this. Twitter is more publicly visible hence, more difficult to ignore than email.
Alurra71 said:
Then be the change rather than spouting veiled hate and anger to those who have nothing to do with your current situation.
Hate? No. Anger, perhaps (I don't think there was anything veiled about it), but I certainly know I'm not the only person following this forum who is angry with this situation. In the same vein that you apologized to me, I'm sorry that you ended up in the crosshairs (Does that help you to feel better?) I would only ask that you be the agent of less sarcasm and I'll get back to fixing this serious problem that myself and 10,000 other families find themselves in.
Alurra71 said:
I think accurate data will get you much further in your endeavors. Comparing apples to apples is a start.
...and that's exactly what I'm trying to do, find accurate data and to the greatest extent possible, compare apples to apples. I will consider the full breadth of the information that you offered in your first post and incorporate it into something more complete in the near future. While you are reading this, do you have any suggestions on how I might present this that will get me closer to my goal of providing an accurate comparison?
Alurra71 said:
You forgot to mention the names of every other Inland applicant that applied and landed before you; or is this only directed to those who dare to come in your thread.
I think I would exceed the character limit for this post if I did that. As for this being my thread? Don't be absurd. I'm speaking on behalf of dozens of us who are enduring serious hardship, with no end in sight. We envy those of you who have already gone through this process and we wish that our process was as predictable and as straightforward as it was for the majority of you who landed before these processing times really stretched out.
To summarize, I categorically reject the notion that we should sit idly and wait as CIC indefinitely lengthens our wait time. Seriously, how many of us can continue to wait in limbo without healthcare or that extra paycheque? If your unprotected spouse has one slip on the ice this winter, it could ruin you financially if you don't continue to push for better processing of our files. Is that the kind of fear we want to live in?
Please if you haven't done so already, create a twitter account and join in the discussion using the hashtag #InlandSponsor. Then, if you are feeling ambitious enough, make sure you have recently written a letter to your MP, then book an appointment to speak with someone in their office and explain that this arbitrary delay of inland processing is causing distress in your family. If enough of us squeak, they will grease the wheel. PM me if you have any specific questions or concerns.