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Full Member
Mar 5, 2011
Montreal, Quebec
Job Offer........
I really hope i get an answer very soon...

where can i find the telephone number of cic montreal?

P.S. ill request my FOSS notes tomorrow... ive never done it before, it will probably give me a clue of what is happening


Full Member
Mar 5, 2011
Montreal, Quebec
Job Offer........
eyeoftheocean said:
Dont worry, do you have AIP yet ? I guess not by your posts, you may have to attend an interview with it being sent to local office or interview may be waived , its the Immigation officers discretion either way. Hopefully you will be waived then your app will be straight foward .

My ECAS said exactly the same and when it was updated to ' we transfered your file to local office and they may contact you' they did for an interview and ECAS was NOT updated for over 12 months. Your case could be different.
Oh so that means that the interview could be waived and i could actually get aip and landing interview at the same time?


Jun 16, 2010
haven't been on this in awhile....

we have great news...my fiance received his PR on Feb 28th in Hamilton. Was a fairly easy process...the "interview" that is. The hardest part was waiting to be honest.

Advice for applicants, make sure you read everything through and fill out everything correctly...make sure you attach what is needed. If you do that and have nothing to hide, its pretty straight forward!


Hero Member
Aug 3, 2010
Visa Office......
CIC Halifax
Job Offer........
My question is for those who received AIP and applied for the open work permit.

When getting the OWP forms done which documents did you include? What did you write as a reason for applying for OWP? I don't have a job offer!
I am using the IMM1249 form and on the checklist there is not an option for AIP letter, should I include it anyway?

I appreciate if somebody can help me out.


Hero Member
Apr 29, 2010
Visa Office......
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App. Filed.......
May 2010
Med's Done....
April 2010
April 2011
boasorte said:
My question is for those who received AIP and applied for the open work permit.

When getting the OWP forms done which documents did you include? What did you write as a reason for applying for OWP? I don't have a job offer!
I am using the IMM1249 form and on the checklist there is not an option for AIP letter, should I include it anyway?

I appreciate if somebody can help me out.
You need to choose "an initial work permit" (option C). Just write that you are applying for OWP because you have AIP or something along that lines. Job offer is not important. Good luck :D


Hero Member
Sep 14, 2010
Visa Office......
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App. Filed.......
Jan 2009
AOR Received.
Jan 2009
File Transfer...
June 2009
Med's Done....
Dec 2008 2nd Meds done Jan 2011 Medical Results have been received March 11
AIP interview Aug 09 Security interview May 2010
Cmilo said:
Oh so that means that the interview could be waived and i could actually get aip and landing interview at the same time?
Yes, interview could be waived so don't panic lol , and yes to the latter ;)


Hero Member
Nov 9, 2010
Visa Office......
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App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
08-04-2011 Police Clearence
File Transfer...
Med's Request
Med's Done....
12-04-2011 AIP
Cmilo said:
and here we go...

We received your application for permanent residence on May 27, 2010.

We started processing your application on August 6, 2010.

We transferred your application to the local CIC office on March 25, 2011. The local CIC office may contact you.

Does someone know how long it takes for them to contact you?

It varies. We got our application transfered to Scarborough Office on november 26, 2009. We will have our interview on april 2011.


Hero Member
Jan 20, 2010
Visa Office......
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Doc's Request.
Med's Done....
boasorte said:
My question is for those who received AIP and applied for the open work permit.

When getting the OWP forms done which documents did you include? What did you write as a reason for applying for OWP? I don't have a job offer!
I am using the IMM1249 form and on the checklist there is not an option for AIP letter, should I include it anyway?

I appreciate if somebody can help me out.
just include what is asked in the checklist.

i dont remember if i included a copy of AIP letter. u can include a copy of urs, it wont hurt. together with a copy of ur current immigration document like visitor's visa.

and yes, it doesnt matter that u dont have a job offer. just write that u have AIP and want an owp.


Hero Member
Nov 9, 2010
Visa Office......
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App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
08-04-2011 Police Clearence
File Transfer...
Med's Request
Med's Done....
12-04-2011 AIP
For those who already had the interview i would like to ask them if they can share their experience. What questions were asked? How long i took? Was it together or separate?

It would be highly appreciated.


Hero Member
Nov 9, 2010
Visa Office......
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App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
08-04-2011 Police Clearence
File Transfer...
Med's Request
Med's Done....
12-04-2011 AIP
We have a list of questions for inland spousal sponsorship (common-law relationship). We were hoping somebody can add some more base on their own experience.

1. When and where did you meet your spouse for the first time?

2. How did you meet your spouse?

3. What first attracted you to him?

4. What first attracted him to you?

5. When did you start dating?

6. What did you do on your first date?

7. Where did you go on your first date?

8.How long did you date before you decide to live together?

9.When did you decide to live together? When and where did the living together proposal take place?

10. How old is your spouse? What is your spouse's birth date?

11. What does your spouse do for a living? Where does your spouse work?

12. Where did your spouse go to school?

13. What degrees or formal training does your spouse have?

14. How did your spouse immigrate to Canada?

15. What are his/her work hours? What are his/her days off?

16. What is the name of the company? What position does your spouse hold? How long has your spouse worked there?

17. What time does she/he leave in the morning for work?

18. Does your spouse like his or her job?

19. What is his/her salary? What is his/her telephone number at work?

20. Do you still live with your spouse?

21. Please explain the type of relationship you have had since your first meeting.
22. What is your religion?

23. What is the religion of your spouse?

24. When you and your spouse were dating what would you do together?

25. Do you remmenber las saturday? (or last Friday, or last day oof together, etc)

26. Did you spend it together? (if not, last day you spent together was?)

27. Who got up first that day?

28. Who made breakfast?

29. What did you both have for breakfast?

30. Where did you go/what happended, etc.

31. Then what did you both do?

32. Where did you go eat lunch?

33. If at home, who made lunch?

34. Then what did you do?

35. If went shopping, what did you buy? What did him/her buy?

36. Who cooked dinner?

37. What did you have for dinner?

38. Then what did you do?

39. Who went to bed first?

40. What time?

41. When is his/her birthday?

42. What did you give him/her on his/her birthday?
43. What did your spouse give you on your birthday?

44. Did you spend Christmas/Hannakan/Eid, or other recent holiday together?

45. What did your spouse give you on that holiday?

46. What did you give your spouse?

47. When was the last vacation together? Where did you go?

48. What did you do on your vacation?

49. Did you or your spouse go to work yesterday? If so, at what time did you and/or your spouse leave the house and return?

50. Do you have any hobbies? Describe them. Does your spouse have any hobbies? Describe them.

51. What type of music do you enjoy? What type of music does your spouse enjoy?

52. What kind of movies do you enjoy? What kind of movies does your spouse enjoy?

53. Who cooks the the meals at home?

54. What is your spouse favorite food? What is your favorite food?

55. Does your spouse drink coffee? If so, does he or she use cream and/or sugar?

56. What kind of books do you read?

57. What kind of books does your spouse read?

58. Have you and your spouse ever exchanged gifts? Explain.

59. How many brothers and sisters does your spouse have?

60. Are your parents aware of your relationship? If not, why not?

61. Are his/her parents aware of your relationship? If not, why not?

62. Can you show me pictures and receipts from the last family function/holiday/day off you whnere together?

63. Have you or your spouse been married before?

64. Why was that relationship dissolved?

65. Do you have any children from your current relationship or marriage?

66. Do any other family members reside with you and your spouse? If yes, please indicate their names and relationship.

67. What relatives do you have in Canada?

68. What are their names and where do they live?

69. What relatives do you have outside of Canada?

70. Has your spouse met any of your relatives or friends? Who have they met and when did they meet them?

71. Have you met any of your spouse's relatives or friends? Whom have you met and when did you meet them?

72. In terms of education, would you say that you and your spouse's educational background are compatible?

73. What will you do when you go to Canada'?

74. Why did you decide to enter in a common-law relationship with your spouse?

75. Do your family members (parents, siblings) want to immigrate to Canada?

76. Did you marry your spouse so that you could sponsor your parents as landed immigrants of Canada?

77. Tell me why this marriage or relationship is genuine.

78. What makes your relationship with your spouse different from that of a female/male friend?

79. Does your spouse support you financially?

80. Do you support your spouse financially?

81. How many bedrroms are in your house? How many washrooms?

82. How many other rooms?

83. Who lives with you?

84. Do you have any pets? What kind, what are their names, and describe them?

85. Who lives with you?

86. How many televions are in your house?

87. Where are they located?

88. What side of the bed do you sleep on?

89. Do you have furniture in your bedroom? What?

90. Where is it located in the bedroom?

91. What type of floor is in your bedroom?

92. Where do you keep your clothes? Where does your spouse keep his/her clothes? Where are the bathrooms towels kept? Where do you keep the dirty clothes?

93. Where is the garbage kept in the kitchen?

94. On what day of the week is the garbage picked up?

95. Where do you shop for groceries? Do you go together with your spouse? How do you get there?

96. At what time did you go to bed? Who went first?

97. Did you have air conditiong or heater on?
98. Who woke up first this morning? Did an alarm clock go off?

99. Did your spouse take a shower?

100. Did you come to the interview together? Who drove/

101. Did you have breakfast? Where and what did you eat?

102. Does you husband wear boxes or briefs?

103. Do you brush your teeth before or after breakfast?

104. Does you brush her teeth before or after breakfast?

105. What kind of cologne do you use?

106. What kind does your spouse use?

107. Where do you have your hair cut?

108. Where does you spouse?

109. Where is your major scar?

110. What was its cause?

111. Where is your spouse major scar?

112. What was its cause?

113. Do you take any medication? What?

114. Does your spouse take any medication, and if so what?

115. Who is your doctor?

116. Who is your spouse doctor?

117. When is the last time you went out with your best friend?

118. Who is your spouse best friend?

119. Whe is the time your spouse went outwith her best friend?

120. Do you own your house or rent?

121. How much is the rent/ mortgage?

122. What is the day the rent/mortgage gets paid?

123. How much was your last hydro bill?

124. What is your favorite hobby?

125. What is your spouse favorite hobby?

126. What are the names of your spouse’s parents?

127. Where do they live?

128. Have you met them? When and where?

129. When was the las time you talked to them?

130. How many siblings does your spouse have?

131. Have you met any of them? Which ones/

132. What is the favorite food/dish that your spouse makes?

133. What is your spouse’s favorite food/dish that you make?

134. Do you have any car together?

135. What kind of car(s) do you own?

136. Do you have a bank account together? Where? What kind of bank account? (checking, savings).

137. Are you both listed on the account?

138. Did you file a joint tax return this year? Do you have a copy of it?

139. Do you own propoerty together? What property? Did you bring copies of the documents with you?

140. Do you have an insurance policy listing your spouse as beneficiary? If so, do you have a copy?

141. Have you taken any trips or vacations together? Do you have photos from these trips?

142. Do you have any utility bills, or ceipts from items you have purchased together?

143. What other documentation do you have to show that you are living as husband an wife?

144. Did you and the sponsor attend any weddings or functions together?

145. When was the last time you and your spouse had intimacy?

146. Do you use any birth control? If so, Which one?

147. What is your favorite color? What is his/her?

148. What was his/her favorite suject in school?

149. What was his/her favorite toy or game as a child?

150. What song would remind him/her of your relationship?

151. What would he/she say is his/her best skill?

152. What is his/ her favorite?

a) Movie
b) Song
c) Singer
d) Actor/Actress
e) T.V. Show
f) Color
g) Car
h) Neigborhood
i) Food
j) Sport
k) Radio station

153. If I refuse this application w hat will you do?


Hero Member
Feb 16, 2011
boasorte said:
My question is for those who received AIP and applied for the open work permit.

When getting the OWP forms done which documents did you include? What did you write as a reason for applying for OWP? I don't have a job offer!
I am using the IMM1249 form and on the checklist there is not an option for AIP letter, should I include it anyway?

I appreciate if somebody can help me out.
How did you fill part B. the part where it says family members. Im trying to apply for a work permit for my wife should I include myself in this part I have a PR ?? If not in this part do I need to put my info anywhere?



Hero Member
Jan 20, 2010
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Med's Done....
Material said:
How did you fill part B. the part where it says family members. Im trying to apply for a work permit for my wife should I include myself in this part I have a PR ?? If not in this part do I need to put my info anywhere?

theres a guide explaining how to compolete this form. dont be lazy n read it :p

"B – My family members

You must give information about your family members. Family members are your spouse or common-law partner, your own dependent children or those of your spouse or common-law partner and the dependent children of dependent children."


Hero Member
Feb 16, 2011
Asta said:
theres a guide explaining how to compolete this form. dun be lazy n read it :p

"B – My family members

You must give information about your family members. Family members are your spouse or common-law partner, your own dependent children or those of your spouse or common-law partner and the dependent children of dependent children."
Wow ...I guess Im being lazy ..thanks for the link

Edit. it doesnt say that I should include my info as a spouse (I have a Pr) I guess I have to fill in only my wifes information since she is the only person applying for WP right ? we dont have any children or dependant children.


Full Member
Jan 19, 2011
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
so many good news!! congrats to all :)

just as an fyi for everyone in case you sent documents to vegreville: i just spoke to a call center agent and they said they're opening correspondences received on february 4.

have a great day everyone! :)