hi everyone!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D
i called cic today and one of the nicest agent just inform me that my first stage approval has been approved already just yesterday!!!!

,and letter has been sent to my address already so i'll just have to wait for the letter...and for now they are working for my second stage approval which i dont know when..but i'm very much happy to know that i've got my AIP approved just yesterday

))very very happy to know!!!my long wait has come already and i have to wait for another time for my second stage approval..
just had a quick question guys...
if i got my AIP first stage approval and the letter from cic, can i change already my sin number?since i have still a valid working permit which is until 2014 but it's only a close permit..so is there a possibility that i can have an open work permit alreday so that i can now have a work that i like to engage with?hope you guys help me regarding my question..thank you and and i'm praying for all of us to have a positive outcome already especially those who are waiting still...just think positive!!!