curious_one said:
Hello all!
I have some news that may interest everyone and answer the question everyone is asking "what is going on with Vagreville". I have no update yet and am so frusterated as our appliation was received May 31 2011. I hve a simple application - no dependants, first marriage for both me and my husband and we are a young couple (late 20's) planning a family yet we cant until we know we are secure here. Straight forward right? Well we are close to 12 months waiting now for first stage - and absolutley loosing our patiance. When i called the call center and explained to the agent how unfair it is that the website they always refer to is not a true reflection of what is going on since June people have gotten AIP and statistics on this forum show they are way past april 30th I was told that the delay could have something to do with budget cuts as they just had a big budget cut!!! I cant believe this!!!! My husband was unable to be at his fathers funeral because CPC goes on constant vacation and now to make matters worse Mr Kenney decides to cut budget????? And we all have to suffer for it!!! I wish they would have told me that when we were weighing the pros and cons of applying inland vs outland. Had we hve applied outland my husband would have papers by now. As he is from a visa exempt country he could have came and gone as he pleased but NOW he is stuck here unable to visit his grieving family beacuse if he leaves the application is void and he is not guranteed re-entry since he has has been in the country over a year on implied status and would need to be gone from canada for 6 months in order to re enter as a visitor since anyone over 6 months in the country is not a visitor anymore but a temporary resident. I dont know how everyone else is dealing with this delay and the misleading information CPC is feeding us but i am beyond frusterated with this country. I have liveD here for nearly 20 years and concider this my home country as I grew up here but am so embarassed tht new comers get this bad experiance and a fowl first impression of Canada due to budget cuts and unhelpful information we keep gettig from call center agents..... ???
Curious one, I am exactly in the same situation as you... received app May 30th, 2011 and still nothing, also young couple, first marriage, straight forward application. I am the sponsor (female) and hubby also from country not requiring a visa. I also wish we had applied outland... I feel caged as well not being able to leave the country! (I can leave, of course, but not with hubby, so what's the point?)
About going to your hubby's father's funeral... you probably could have gone... When I had spoken to a lawyer, he told us that if you had to go for something important, the chances were very good that you wouldn't have a problem getting back in to Canada... although I understand not willing to risk it.
This whole process is extremely frustrating, and takes way longer than is necessary! Like some others said, they should give out temporary work permits until the decision is made...
Also like you, having to have every little thing go through me - paying bills, mortgage, cooking, cleaning, etc. is driving me nuts!
All this ranting to say, I can completely relate... and I feel a bit better now, as I also don't say all this stuff to hubby, so that I don't weigh him down any more...
Well... all we can do is wait anyway...