Line.a said:
You're totally right! And whoever says being married young isn't a genuine married are probably jealous! My boyfriend is 25 and I'm 23 myself too.. Yet not married just common law, I think my parents are going to be pretty choked if we were going to become engaged! I'm worried mostly I feel like there are information I don't know about and I end up doing the wrong thing. My boyfriend thinks I'm over reacting a little too.. I certainly am a person who worries a lot for god knows why
Thanks for your comment!

As I said, I think is entierly cultural, I was raised to know that by the time im 20 I should be married or engaged... Im telling you! Right now I have friends of my high school that are having their second baby after 3 or 4 years married.. and Im the only one writting "no baby yet!"...
I was lucky to find a guy that -despites society and his own family- always dreamed of getting married young, fund a family and have lots and lots of years of happiness.
I will understand your parents reaction! My hubby's parents were totally against it, but he was most of all raised by his grandma, who sit us both and discussed marriage with us, and give us her approval after that! It was so helpfull having someone that understood, cuz she kind of convince the parents and sisters to come to the wedding! They like me, but they just dont believe in marriage (some kind of free love of the 70's I guess!) they believe marriage is to tide someone to you.. and love should be free! Anyway, each one believe what they want, and Im so happy they understood their son really wanted to marry me
Hey, you guys applied on febreaury 2013,... can u update me with your progress? (i applied in march) it will be a good way to know how are they advancing!
good luck and god bless!