Hello Guys,
According to the Mon Project Initial Page, it is written
With the goal of giving candidates the opportunity to create their Mon projet Québec account and complete the application for a Québec selection certificate for the next application intake period, this period has been adapted in order to give candidates more time.
candidates will have until January 25, 2016, to create their account in the Mon projet Québec secure space;
after this date, it will no longer be possible to create a new account for the current application intake period;
from January 26 to February 15, 2016, candidates who have a Mon projet Québec account will be able to access it to complete the form Application for Selection Certificate online;
starting February 16, 2016, it will be possible to submit the application and pay the related fees. The application intake period will end on March 31, 2016."
I want to know what exactly it means? Exactly my questions are:
1. Does it mean, who have created account and activated it, he/she needs to fill-up the form after 26 Jan?
2. Does Mon Project allow application fill-up before 26 Jan?
3. How about the previous time line, which was scheduled on 18 Jan?
very important points raised. specially #1 and #2 are very important. m85 already explained it in his/her earlier post