TBH, Canada was a different country when my sister moved here. A place in Toronto downtown coster 250k. Right now, the same place is 1M+. I don't think I have an unrealistic expectation of Canada; my expectation was to live in 1st world country with strong economy. Canada just isn't it. If I cannot see a doctor and someone close to me is suffering from pain, then I start to question my decisions and the country I moved to. In the end of the day, I am paying for the medical service, police, other public services through my taxes. Then why I cannot receive what I am paying for? If you cannot provide me with the service, fine, allow me to opt out of the taxes and go with private healthcare provider.
While we are talking about all of that. UK doesn't bring in 437K immigrants every year. I am ok with that number but FFS, scale the infrastructure. You cannot keep bringing people over without building more affordable housing, without increasing funding for healthcare (thank you Ford, funds were cut).