Thanks EEcanvan

good to have you back !
I do hope to see some movement by the end of the month... I need to have some idea what is going on with my application by the end of december at the latest..
If I get penalised for adding my spouse ( with him I have less point that draw score), I am planning to apply for PNP Qubeck in january. So I kind of need to know what is going on by that time.
As usual, my luck let me down..
i havent written it yet, but since I have nothing better to do anyway., I might as well write it now.
I applied alone, without my spouse and my children because the ongoing legal custudy battle for on of my children was not finished ( I was officially started begining of 2015, but was going on for the last 7 years really), so I didn't have the necessary legal approval that would enable me to take him with us., hence, I excluded everyone and decided to go alone.
here is the funny ( unlucky bit): cic specifically says that our point will not be taken away if the situtation (addition of family memebers, after the legal custudy process has finished) happened AFTER eAPR. If it happens BEFORE eAPR, it must be taken into account and point must be taken away.
here it goes: the high court made the decision and finalised our custudy battle on the exact same day as I submitted my eAPR , , not before, and not after, but on the exact same day.
What do you think? can there be more unlucky coincidance than this? I found out about this a month after I submitted my application, as the higher court makes the judgement in a closed session, and sends its verdict to the first instance court once it is done ., first instance court than sends the verdict to both parties.
to think that this has been going on for sooo many years, and that to be finallised on this date, makes me wanna :-\ :-\
I think it will come down to the officer that makes the decision because he can go ether way, this is the official grey area! one positive thing is that my AOR came in the morning about 7:50something EST , so if they go by this, it is clear that the judgement was made after the official start of the working hours
man.. my application is complicated from day one, I even had a lawyer in canada take a look at it, and he just commented: wow, this is complicated 8)