Hi Dittmar, I missed this message.
Nope, nothing so far. But I got to the bottom of it.
As a matter of fact, I have been stuck with no third line update for three weeks now and although I filed for GCMS notes, raised a CSE, neither of these two options will generate any result soon. I contacted the Doctor's office, and they followed-up next day with an email saying that the results were uploaded with eMedical software on January 9, 2015. I wasn't expecting anything else from their end, but to my surpise, Dr. Garrett (who went beyond the call of duty) personally got in contact with me after seeing the email that was aprehanded by his assistant.
According to Dr.Garrett, some of IME# that are sent in MRs don't open up on eMedical at all. CIC is aware of the issue and has an instruction which asks the Doctor to create new UMI# file (upfront) with a note indicating the flawed IME# and proceed with the ordinary examination. Later on, when NHQ receives the UMI# file through eMedical, they merge it with IME# and consequently the GCMS assessment pertaining to Medical is complete, and the PR application moves on. As a result of this unorthodox processing, delays are possible and the third line may not appear for some applicants at all.
Considering aforementioned, I would NOT recommend doing upfront examination before MR, as it will likely retard the processing rather than push things forward. In case you are not seeing a third line update for a while (more than 2 weeks since uploading the results) you can check out your eMedical print-out. In case the line under the barcode starts with UMI# and not IME#, you should bundle-up for more waiting.