urgent advice required on PCC issue!
I am Pakistani and my wife is Bangladeshi national. after obtaining per (Alhamdulillah) I have started working towards getting pcc so that I would be ready with it when VO asks me to submit it.
according to instructions on cic, every individual who is 18 years old and have lived anywhere for more than 6 months must obtain a pcc from there.
as I m Pakistani, I obtained my pcc easily, also my wife got her pcc from Bangladesh. now when I went to apply pcc for my wife from Pakistan (she is here with me since 2009 but on visit visa which is issued to her annually, no family stay or family visa type thing for Bangladeshi and indian nationals

) the authorities said we cant issue pcc to a foreign national living on visit visa, that's the government policy!
I have tried to get it through some "chaye paani" (u know here everything can be done through chaye paani!) but still they said they cant do this cos this will call for government inquiry that how come a pcc was issued to a Bangladeshi or indian national (due to PK and BD/Ind govt clashes these nationals are not facilitated well).
after disappointment I called back to my consultant in Toronto and explained him the situation, he said he is aware of this govt policy and that cio has no issues if there are some govt policies for certain countries in some regards like this one, still he will need to speak with cio official to confirm an exemption for my wife's Pakistani pcc, which they normally do.
any advice on this issue? any similar experience from around the world that can help me? any information that I can use as help? should I be worried about this issue? will it going to effect my application? what else can I do? any solution?