NSharawat21 said:
Some one please reply ???
I wasn't able to log in yesterday due to other commitments.
This is for FBI PCC right? I see you are trying to use the FBI's fingerprint card that you have downloaded from the internet? But wherever you are going to have your fingerprints taken will have fingerprint cards. You can just use the ones they provide.
I have couple of questions regarding the backgroundverification from FBI , I have downloaded the form but get confuse while filling the form .
My questions are mentioned below :
1) Residence of Person Fingure printed is this the rsidence where i lived in US or my current address .
Current address
2) Employer Address is it the address of my US organization ( Sister concern of my Indian organization) or the address of my employer in India .
Probably not even necessary, but if you fill it in use the address of the employer where you actually work.
3) There are many entries which we have to fill , which are unknown to me :
Any of these you don't have, just don't fill it in.
a) Your NO. OCA which i dont know from where i can get this number.
b) FBI NO I dont have the FBI number also , from where anyone get this
c) Armed Forces Number not sure its for me .
d) Social Security Number which i have
e) Miscellaneous number dont have any idea
4) Reason of Fingerprinted ( which i think is immegration
5) Signature of Offical taking fingure print ( which offical is supposed to take the fingure prints.
Whoever takes your fingerprints will sign.
Thanks in advance for the help . @ Asheef and @ Future_Canadian . Please help me guys
Thanks and Regards