divyangpatel said:
Anybody please reply.......
A sample reference letter. Note that responsibilities are copied and pasted from the NOC site(http://www5.hrsdc.gc.ca/noc/english/noc/2011/QuickSearch.aspx?val65=2133) for example purpose only - but DON'T ever think to do it. Write in your own language and check that around 80% job matches.
This is to certify that Mr/Mrs/Miss [name] was an employee of this organization from [xx-xx-xxxx to xx-xx-xxxx] a [name of the position]. His/Her key duties and main responsibilities are following:
Conduct research into the feasibility, design, operation and performance of electrical generation and distribution networks, electrical machinery and components and electronic communications, instrumentation and control systems, equipment, and components
Prepare material cost and timing estimates, reports and design specifications for electrical and electronic systems and equipment
Design electrical and electronic circuits, components, systems and equipment
Conduct micro or nanodevices simulations, characterization, process modeling and integration in the development of new electronic devices and products
Supervise and inspect the installation, modification, testing and operation of electrical and electronic systems and equipment
Develop maintenance and operating standards for electrical and electronic systems and equipment
Investigate electrical or electronic failures
Prepare contract documents and evaluate tenders for construction or maintenance
Supervise technicians, technologists, programmers, analysts and other engineers.
His/Her annual salary is $xx,xxxx.xx [in words] with company's full time (Forty Hours per week) employee benefits includes; medical, dental, vision, life insurance, paid vacation, 401k plan, employee assistance program and educational assistance.
If you have any further questions regarding Mr/Mrs/Miss [last name] please contact me without hesitation.
[name of the signer]
** should be in company's letter head
** include business card if applicable
** describe key responsibilities