Hello guys
I really need your advise and any kind of help is extremely appreciated.
My brother has send a money order with his application (22th Oct). Recently he has called his bank in Canada to check if the money order was cached or not. Apparently after the 3rd call his bank has blocked the money order (without a warning

) .
They have told him he can either get a refund or they will cache it if CIC call them when it wants to cache it.
1. Does CIC tries money order more than 1 time if it doesn't work the first time (like cc)?
2. Do you think he can ring/email CIC and ask them to call the bank because of the problem?
Money Order!!!! are you sure they take that.... Last I checd they accepted CC, DD or a certified cheque..... not sure of Money order, others please suggest
Hopefully you can help me to find answer to the questions somehow.
Thank you in advance.