If anyone would be interested, what were the processing times, and post-PER refusal rates of applications for MI-3 (July 2011) applicants, I have filtered and shared the data from a public CIC document. Quite interesting numbers, with sections of "X % of cases were completed within X months or less", where I think the 20% and 30% columns are mostly the early bird applicants, while the 70-80% columns are the late applicants. These "number of months" values are counted from date of receipt by CIO, so many of us are already at 2 months.
The data is by number of cases, except "Total # of Visas issued", which is number of persons. It also contains how many cases were refused by CIO by the way.
I hope processing times for MI-8 (which are us) will not be longer.
Link is here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0AkSkUWaFjWuodGhUdlZObzBMUE1aeE1NT0tpY0oxTVE&output=html