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FSW 2013 Applicants Timeline- Lets Network Here.


Hero Member
May 22, 2013
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jay2174 said:
Lastly, I'd suggest for some here to stop bashing the CIC people. Specially if they have your details in the spreadsheet. From there they could easily infer your identity.
Well, CIC either has good and professional men & women working there or it has vengeful and angry men and women. It can't be both ways. Well, some could be good and some may be bad. But that doesn't really mean anything and I don't really care which is it - they are the reflection of their bosses, their ministers & government and in the end of the whole society. I feel like I (or we) have the right to speak (and learn through it) of any society in the world, especially about the one I've paid $1400 to and the one I'm trying to become a part of.

I do have sympathy for the idea that Canada would benefit more from accepting better ranked people, but obviously they have set up some rules and it's up to them to follow those. Probably that's one of the reasons they are moving to EOI system next year, and I applaud them for it.

I'm sure that on micro level they are able to tweak the rules a bit - an applicant whom some person at CIC 'likes' less has a real chance of being turned off on a technicality (like missing a word/name/etc) than some other applicants who's 'liked' more. Now that 'liking' can be based on prejudice, skin color, religion, English level, work experience, age, bad hand writing, bad cup of coffee the CIC worker just have had or simply CIC may have some never-written and untold rules that they have in mind when doing such exceptions and 'micromanagement'.

Obviously they cannot go too far with those tweaks since they would be massively exposed to lawsuits. If you tweak one or two cases weekly, probably only 10% of those will ever complain and maybe 0.5% will come to the court or some official way of undoing the injustice (or unbraking the broken rule).

As long as people have their date & time of delivery they should be pretty certain the FIFO will kick in and work as promised. Except in some low number of borderline cases.

Panam Singh

Star Member
Jun 25, 2013
NOC 2134.. Buddy just send th docs nw.. Am sure soon u will be sharing gud news..
All the best !!

aidin444 said:
NOC 2134,
Do you actually mean that CIC will pay for the return of our documents? I am going to send by DHL. This package is heavy. I really hope they don't keep it or burn/shred it. I want to keep my documents and apply for Australia if the CIC cap is reached and the documents will never be returned to us. Why waste money and prepare all these documents again. I wish CIC updated the caps sooner.


Hero Member
Jun 5, 2013
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aidin444 said:
I finally received my WES report today after more than 2 months waiting. The question is to apply now or not to apply? Will they return our documents if the cap is reached? or they will be lost?

I have all my documents ready. I am just about to go to post office. Shall I?
Go for it, buddy.
You already probably spent 1000+USD and plenty of your time and effort preparing your package.
Another 50-100USD for carriers cost worth trying.
Better try and take your chances, than be sorry that you never took your chances.

After all, it is all the immigration concept about. ;)


Star Member
Jun 20, 2013
aidin444 said:
NOC 2134,
Do you actually mean that CIC will pay for the return of our documents? I am going to send by DHL. This package is heavy. I really hope they don't keep it or burn/shred it. I want to keep my documents and apply for Australia if the CIC cap is reached and the documents will never be returned to us. Why waste money and prepare all these documents again. I wish CIC updated the caps sooner.
CIC wil mail the application back using regular mail, so it will take time to get the package back...


Champion Member
Apr 9, 2013
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18th Oct 2017
AOR Received.
7th Dec 2017
jay2174 said:
It's about 4:20am where i am. I'm an early waker. I read this thread because I like reading about peoples hopes and dreams, my job is somewhat related to it ;D. I like canada quite a lot and I know my application will be successful. I've got the kind of profile that makes it easy for me to get an AEO. I'm not saying that to brag but to inspire others, if you earn it, you will get it. Instead of being jealous of other's fortunes, if they got tons of settlement funds :), and refer to them as disgusting, why don't we use them as an example to challenge ourselves, tell ourselves that, "I'm going to be more successful than that guy because i'm going to try harder".

Successful people with real money, big big money, when they meet other mega-rich folks who are richer than they are, they feel excitingly positive, they feel inspired....

So why the fcuk am I being so preachy so early in the morning? I don't frigging know, probably my coffee is too strong. And probably i'm enjoying the "conversation" I'm having here in this thread. What a beautiful day... off to work in a few more hours ;D
As per d time 4:20 AM u have mentioned in ur post, u must be from Caribbeans but earlier u stated that ur Aunt visited u in Singapore. :eek:
U r contradicting ur own statement! Better post some relevant info here to help others.


Star Member
Jun 25, 2013
amar31282 said:
idima, I also wonder that why jay2174 is wasting time here.

May be its his wife kicking his butt and he is jumping again and again here to take out the frustration since he can't do the same with his wife... :p :p :p :p :p :p :p ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

If he is a programmer then he should be sitting before his system and doing coding rather than wasting time over here. He should know the value of his time and others as well...
are you a techie? got some works and profile online? maybe github?

or are you one of those, "software project managers" who actually know jack$hit about seeing a project from conception to delivery? Those are the worse I tell you, programmers my ass, I'll give them 4 hours and they couldn't even complete a simple hello world app. Are you one of those amar? :D

Since you're classy enough to mention about my wife ;D lol... why don't you tell us something about yours? ;D


Star Member
Jun 25, 2013
balkanada said:
Well, CIC either has good and professional men & women working there or it has vengeful and angry men and women. It can't be both ways. Well, some could be good and some may be bad. But that doesn't really mean anything and I don't really care which is it - they are the reflection of their bosses, their ministers & government and in the end of the whole society. I feel like I (or we) have the right to speak (and learn through it) of any society in the world, especially about the one I've paid $1400 to and the one I'm trying to become a part of.

I do have sympathy for the idea that Canada would benefit more from accepting better ranked people, but obviously they have set up some rules and it's up to them to follow those. Probably that's one of the reasons they are moving to EOI system next year, and I applaud them for it.

I'm sure that on micro level they are able to tweak the rules a bit - an applicant whom some person at CIC 'likes' less has a real chance of being turned off on a technicality (like missing a word/name/etc) than some other applicants who's 'liked' more. Now that 'liking' can be based on prejudice, skin color, religion, English level, work experience, age, bad hand writing, bad cup of coffee the CIC worker just have had or simply CIC may have some never-written and untold rules that they have in mind when doing such exceptions and 'micromanagement'.

Obviously they cannot go too far with those tweaks since they would be massively exposed to lawsuits. If you tweak one or two cases weekly, probably only 10% of those will ever complain and maybe 0.5% will come to the court or some official way of undoing the injustice (or unbraking the broken rule).

As long as people have their date & time of delivery they should be pretty certain the FIFO will kick in and work as promised. Except in some low number of borderline cases.
+1 for most points. very insightful. The others cannot, maybe don't want to accept. You're the type of folks canada need 8)


Hero Member
May 22, 2013
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amar31282 said:
idima, I also wonder that why jay2174 is wasting time here.
This seems a bit too harsh. We are all 'wasting' time in here, so to speak. Why would someone be allowed more to do it?
jay2174 became famous by saying how his credit card was charged much ahead of any schedule and many people here didn't believe him, which is fine. But no one else was asked to give proof for his/her words, and no one else was bashed like jay2174 (not even the "spill.over" :))

jay2174, you said your card was charged on June 25 while you submit the papers around May 24 (that is - your relative sent it from Canada)?
Personally, I don't find this very unusual. I don't believe only robots work at CIO, they are only human, so with that humanity anything goes. Mistakes or "mistakes" are always possible and probable.


Star Member
Jun 25, 2013
amit80203 said:
As per d time 4:20 AM u have mentioned in ur post, u must be from Caribbeans but earlier u stated that ur Aunt visited u in Singapore. :eek:
U r contradicting ur own statement! Better post some relevant info here to help others.
Yeah einstein, you got it figured out do you? if more than two weeks ago i said my aunt visited me in singapore then that must mean I'm in singapore 24x7 right? I cannot take a business trip elsewhere? There's no plane I can take to have a vacation somewhere is it?

Oh, and the caribbeans are the only place in the world where it's 4:20am at that time I made my posts? yah. you're right. I'm contradicting my statements.


PS. Due to english not being the primary language for a lot of people here, do you guys think I should put in a <sarcasm><sarcasm/> tag on what I wrote?



Hero Member
May 22, 2013
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Guys, we have 580 PAGES of posts in here, with 50% of content recently just being the congrats and another 30% some off-topic personal stuff. Let's just focus on why are we here.
If someone has questions - post it. If someone has answers - post it. If you have an opinion about the CIO/Canada/FSW2013 - post it.
Otherwise - let's restrain ourselves. I'll try to do the same.


Star Member
Apr 15, 2013
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jay2174 said:
Where did I state or even hinted that I am more liable to be selected? what i'm saying is that fsw should be an exercise in merit not who comes first, wins.

my wealth is disgusting? the amount I said was a small amount, I think nothing of it and people should think nothing of it.

Why the heck would I share any more information with you negative nancies? It's not my fault people got their panties in a bunch over the tinniest info :)
pls go back to see what you have said on june 25th. i post here.
My first post

Forgive me but I feel like people are considering this FSW 2013 as an exercise of who submits their info first rather than who merits more being accepted into the program.

I feel that there is A LOT MORE TO THE FACTORS why people have been given successful results in their applications rather than submitting the application at the earliest possible time.

Think about it, lets say you have for one NOC, you have 300 applicants with 67 points submitting their application on may 4 and another set of 300 applicants with 80 plus points submitting their applications, three months later on august 4. If you were CIC, would you close the NOC on the august applicants?

If a single guy, got a 69 point total, pledge a settlement fund of 10,000 cad and submitted on may 6, vs another guy, 79 point total, got 100,000 cad settlement and submitted on sept 6, if you got to pick between these two guys, would you pick the guy who submitted it earlier?

On the interest of disclosure, I didn't submit early, i'm from outside canada, NOC 2174. 2yr college by WES, 8.5 ielts ave. 14 yrs exp, 36 yr old, fam of 3, around 150,000 CAD in prepared settlement funds. Here's the bombshell, I just saw my CC charged. Not like I was checking it every hour - I wasn't . Btw, I didn't use any agency.

I feel people submitting on august will still have a fair chance


Star Member
Jun 25, 2013
balkanada said:
This seems a bit too harsh. We are all 'wasting' time in here, so to speak. Why would someone be allowed more to do it?
jay2174 became famous by saying how his credit card was charged much ahead of any schedule and many people here didn't believe him, which is fine. But no one else was asked to give proof for his/her words, and no one else was bashed like jay2174 (not even the "spill.over" :))

jay2174, you said your card was charged on June 25 while you submit the papers around May 24 (that is - your relative sent it from Canada)?
Personally, I don't find this very unusual. I don't believe only robots work at CIO, they are only human, so with that humanity anything goes. Mistakes or "mistakes" are always possible and probable.
I don't want to put additional spotlight on it anymore... something like an advantageous anomaly where someone found a million dollar in a suit case by the side of a road. What would they expect me to do? complain to CIC that "HEY FOOLS, WHY DID YOU CHARGE MY CREDIT CARD SO EARLY? THAT'S SO UNBECOMING OF YOU...IT TOTALLY BREAKS THE PATTERN AND 'EXPERT' ANALYSIS WE HAD IN OUR VERY POPULAR FSW 2013 TRACKER SPREADSHEET. PLEASE RECTIFY THE SITUATION, I ALSO WANT TO EXPERIENCE BEING ON THE VERGE OF A MENTAL BREAKDOWN DUE TO A LENGTHY AND NAIL-BITING WAIT FOR MY CC TO BE CHARGED"

lol. :D


Hero Member
Jun 5, 2013
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balkanada said:
Well, CIC either has good and professional men & women working there or it has vengeful and angry men and women. It can't be both ways. Well, some could be good and some may be bad. But that doesn't really mean anything and I don't really care which is it - they are the reflection of their bosses, their ministers & government and in the end of the whole society. I feel like I (or we) have the right to speak (and learn through it) of any society in the world, especially about the one I've paid $1400 to and the one I'm trying to become a part of.
Well said, man.
I know how it is dangerous in some countries to speak up and express your thoughts and opinions. And some people here are just afraid to do that, thinking that it can hurt their chances to be approved and some CIC evil officials will hunt them down for that.
Don't bring your bugs to Canada with you, guys.

Hopefully, Canada is more open and democratic society, where you not get punished and hunted for your thoughts, ideas and believes. Where you can contribute to society and where your voice has value. Where you can make the difference.

After all, isn't it the main reason for many of us to immigrate there?


Star Member
Apr 15, 2013
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Med's Request
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Passport Req..
your wealth is not disgusting, it is small amt to me either.
your thinking that "i am more suitable to be selected than others" is disgusting.
No matter rich or poor, if you got 67, first in first out.
every person here can see cc is charged day by day and PER is issued step by step according to the rule.
i do not understand why you are still spreading ur point of merit.
the rule of merit is for EOI in 2014. are u coming back from 2014?