Agree. It's quite nonsensical to have this whole program as just a contest of speed, or who submits their application first. In the interest of canada and it's citizens, they have to ensure that the people they're letting in will contribute.
CIC did state that the program is accepting applications for 1 whole year, so while initially, or at this very early stage, it might seem that things are being done FIFO, it's likely that there's more scrutiny being done to the applications. I've read somewhere that for FSW 2013, cic is heavily filtering and checking applications, much more strictly than the previous fsw programs.
Assuming that within a months time, there are 600 applicants for a particular code, say 2174. Let's say the first two weeks were submission from applicants who had 67-70 pts and the later half of the month were 300 submissions from applicants who had 78 and above points. If I were CIC, i wouldn't possibly want to close the door for those 300 "higher qualification" applicants just because there were 300 very quick applicants who submitted their forms early. This is just an example ok? hope the early birds don't get offended, i'm sure a lot of the early birds are highly qualified folks
I don't think CIC is giving false hope to the june or july submitters, I strongly believe that the door is wide open - CIC, has the power to take in more qualified applicants over the lesser qualified.
Lastly, I'd suggest for some here to stop bashing the CIC people. Specially if they have your details in the spreadsheet. From there they could easily infer your identity. You don't think CIC people have seen this thread? This is currently the most popular thread for people applying for the fsw 2013 program. Even mr.jason kenney himself asked before in a tweet about the most popular forums on cic's immigration program. Who knows, the guy replying you here in this thread might actually be a CIC official ;D 8)