Of course it's totally unfair. CIC is very well known about their double standarts.
They returned all Skilled Workers Applications without looking at them. They cancelled all of them, the reason of this is they are too busy

It didn't affect only the applicants, it affected many immigration lawyers and consultants. Now they are paying the applicant's fees back to them. They made a big hole on the country's budget.
I wrote this before. Technology is everywhere, but you have to find qualified people to use it. Checking someone's record takes less than a minute. The total average of checking our application files should be less than an hour for the first stage. If you eat Tim Horton's doughnut and drink 5 coffees a day in the office, and chat with your friends during the work hours of course you will say you are too busy and can't finish the applications on time.
CIC needs serious inspection. There are too many unqualified people there.