rajkamalmohanram said:
I would recommend that you pool the money in one account before it is credited to your account. Yes, please submit the documents that I mentioned in an
earlier post.
thank you sir for your help. but, i am a bit confused still.
my exact situation is like this.
my father-in-law has 2lacs to give me as a gift. he has asset{2 houses} to show in net-worth certificate.
my brother(presently in the UK and will be here in march) has 3.5lacs in his account to gift me. since i need 8lacs fund as a gift. my father will transfer 3lacs{loan taken by my another brother that he will give to my dad} in my brother's account and then he will transfer 6lacs to my account.
now, as you said that i can't take gift deed from 2 person. should i ask my father-in-law to transfer his money to my brother's account and then transfer the entire 8lacs from him to me??
i read somewhere that net-worth certificate is needed from donee and donor. since my brother don't have any other asset except that account balance that he is going to gift me {he has his pf of 3 years}. what should i do?? take a gift from him alone or from both him and my father-in-law. is it needed to show enough amount is left in donors account to support himself after he donates money to me as a gift???
second que.
is it ok ,as per -cic and IT department of india, to transfer 5lacs IN MY BROTHER'S ACCOUNT to give me gift??
third que
do we need to take a gift deed signed from donor exactly on the day of transfer or we can make it afterwards?? since my brother is in the UK at present.