
I am so sick and tired of the games these guys play with us. below was a post from another member on this forum. maybe it will help some of u cheer up...
WARNING - Do this before starting the immigration process.
Before anyone starts the immigration process they should get a feel for what is in front of them - try the following tasks to simulate the process.
a) Rub vaseline in your eyes, so nothing appears to be clear.
b) Wait at a bus stop on a -20C snowy night with a paper bag over your head, so you get used to the isolation.
c) Order a hot chocolate at Timmies, but get them to serve you a coffee, so you know what confusion and disappointment is.
d) Spend two weeks on the toilet with constipation, so you understand what patience is.
e) Consume vast amounts of laxative, so you have to get up every five minutes for the next 36 hours, so you understand the meaning of urgency.
f) Clean the calcium from a giant sized shower head with a pin, so you comprehend frustration.
g) Set light to shoe box that contains an unknown amount of your money, so you grasp that you have no control over what the process will cost.
h) Send your partner on a world cruise, while you walk the city streets at night suffering from loneliness.
i) Mail a letter to your home from the northern side of the Ngorongoro crater, forget to use a stamp, spell your address incorrectly and miss out the post code, wait at home for the letter, embrace the feeling, it will show you what it is like to wait for the return of your passport from a VO.
j) Visit the most dangerous place you can imagine, wear all your bling and carry all your cash in full view... The fear you now have is similar to the feeling that you get when approaching a POE, or meeting an IO.
k) Attempt to juggle feathers and jello, it may start off well, but you have to be someone very special to keep it all together for any length of time.
After a month of performing these tasks on a regular basis, sit down and consider what this could be like if it lasted 4, 5, 9 or even 18 months.
Now you are starting to comprehend the path that lies in front of you.
Understand that you need more than strength, more than courage, you need... a bit of insanity and a fair dose of commitment - it is your call.
I wish you luck and good fortune
Above quote from baloo.