I am scheduled to arrive in Canada (Toronto) any time this month or early next month. Your post clearly shows how you were treated in Canada and I think many people may share the same experiences but this does not necessarily mean that everyone should expect similar experiences. Here's something every one should know when starting over anywhere and is pretty simple:
1) Moving to a new place is like meeting a stranger who can be full of surprises. I don't expect anyone to have any expectations about a guy who you've just met and same goes for a place you just moved to or are about to move to. First mistake We can do is to "Expect" all sort of good things and care less about the bad ones. We all do. When our expectations aren't met with we get all gloomy and sad or worse, get depressed. In such a circumstance, we'd hate the moment we decided to move to Canada.
2) Starting over means you should be prepared (both mentally and physically) to face unexpected encounters, social & organizational behaviors, and circumstances. If we happen to land on the brighter side of "Experience", we would love our decision to have moved to Canada.
3) All the goody goody information about Canada can be misleading. Read the negative aspects of moving to Canada first. This may help you to face the unexpected and getting through it with success.
4) Always carry enough money with you when moving to any new place to support you and/or your family for atleast a year.
5) One thing you can't survive without anywhere and what can get you killed everywhere is "Trust". Knowing who to trust and who not to can prove to be the difference between Life and no-life.
6) Never disclose personal information even if it is your DOB to anyone who isn't a) A Bank, b) A Government Institution. Keep your personal information from strangers at all costs.
7) Being concerned about uncertainties is good but thats what you should be sure about before attempting to apply for immigration. You just can't be sure about anything unless you aren't there.
8) It takes time to adjust to your surroundings and to digest the facts you find yourself in. Luck is an obvious factor but not the only factor to decide success and failure. So be "Positive" all the time. At least I choose to be.
This is just a few things I had in mind. I think most friends would agree with them. Failure is something that has to fill the empty space created by the departure of success. Failure is hard to enjoy and easier to learn from so lets welcome eveyone to this forum to discuss their success and failure stories.