Raj, can u crack their security firewall?, it seems doable anyhow. Yes the guy asked for my name to search for the application, he did not spell it correctly, then he asked when i submitted the app, hence he could find by date sorting (after some clicking on the keyboard).
@ Maged, not necessiraly next draw, keep an open mind to the idea of sorting 5000+ nominations over 6 to 8 months rather than cramping them up in the next three months, for sure IRCC will give them a cap share from the biweekly 1500 allotted ITAs. I am more inclined towards a flow of 300 OINP nominees per draw that (hopefully) means File numbers up to XHSW-1603000 can be taken in by next Christmas. This is of course assuming file numbers up to 1601500 are done by mid-October draw.
Mind that those speculative calculations takes into considerations that some applicants in between those numbers have been already nominated due to expiring WP and other reasons.