WantToImmigrate thank you for being polite and I like your responses they are very helpful.
I do feel for the other gentleman though, I mean he is right in that folks who are on the thread all day advise others to go out for walks is not cool either. We all have reasons beyond just the citizenship to feel genuinely anxious about, sometime life altering circumstances. I agree with you, everyone should be polite here. After all our main objective should be to help each other.
armoured has no obligation to help people. I disagree with the term "all day". armoured could be at work just responding to people on his phone. I'd consider it charity of sorts.
Frankly, a walk does help change my perspective. If we look at the time posted on ircc website, its 9 months. armoured wasn't wrong. It has been 3-4 months depending on when application date. Remember a country is making you its citizen, that's bigger than granting PR.
Unable to commission a project in the US is not a life altering circumstance. Further, I am not aware of any pathways directly to Canadian citizenship without a permanent residence card. So, I am curious to know the non-medical-condition related causes of anxiety one could have while on a PR. If its due to health related reasons, I implore people to seek help.
Honestly, DocumentJourney or immigration team at their employment should have read the urgency clause if it was so important for them to travel.
We are all in this alone. We should be grateful for others choosing to take out the time to try to help us out, regardless of the outcome. Its the genuine thought that counts. I've learnt through life that no one is obligated to do anything for someone else. Anyways, that's what I think.