jihems said:
You are the one to be prettied for banking on speculations and rumours. You are not cic and cannot determine my faith in this program. By His grace I will definitely share my testimony to reduce bad lucks like you to shame. How can you go on insisting that everyone should believe your stupid lies. I still insist that my favour is higher than your luck, I refuse to take your lies until I get it from the right source. Since you claims to have known more than cic, why not leave the forum since your case is over. you will hear my testimony just keep peeping. Your speculated contributions is useless here because rather than building hopes, it is rather destroying it.
Who the f*** are you to tell anyone to leave the forum or whatever crap dude. It is an open forum, aimed at helping people, you find it hard to digest the truth, ignore. There would be people pinning their hopes on their file receiving PER when the truth is something different. If you think rather than sharing experiences that may enable someone to focus on Plan B or C when FSW has been deemed complete can be termed as
Stupid Lies, , I believe you got some serious issues with yourself. Calling names and adjectives on an open forum while explicitly reflecting someone's loss may be your gain, just reflects your sadistic attitude.
You got more crap to fling, use PM hereon.
Sorry forumites for the writing this message. To each his own.