@ rogerset: You have to calm down. Lashing out on the forums about CPC-M and Immigration Canada is not going to help you much. We're all here to share this long and tedious process together, share advice and give each other hope. There are so many people that have nice words for those who are desperate, which is the best thing from the forum, I think.
But being negative all the time, is only gonna ruin the day for everyone else. Some people are lucky, some people encounter some impediments in their journey. But this is life, you win some, you lose some.
When I sent my application on the 3rd of Dec., the processing time was at 28 days. Because it was during the holidays, their website didn't even get updated till mid January. Last update was 17 December. It took them 36 days to send me an email. I was worried, of course, but I knew it was out of my hands. So I waited patiently, and in the end, everything turned out ok. Got AOR and SA on the 8th of January. So even if your "due date" has passed, don't despair.
My ECAS hasn't changed since, but I can't beat myself over it. It's a process that everyone who wants to immigrate to Canada has to go through. I guess it's the price I have to pay for marrying a Canadian.
It is a frustrating process, some might say unfairly long, but you have to keep calm to be able to keep your sanity. If it says I have to wait 13 months, then I guess that's what I have to do. I don't like it, but that's life. We can't always have what we want.
Sweet dreams December people

and may we all have a smooth and stress free process. By the way, anyone here going to Vancouver? I was thinking it might be nice to keep in touch once we "land" and maybe grab a drink or two together.