Bacheha merci everyone, so many of you messaged me and some of you inja be man deldaari dadid, merci again for your kindness everyone.
After researching and asking experts, I decided to forget about so many personal matters, and get married to my love in Turkey as soon as my school finishes in April. It seems appeal is lengthy and not 100% safe. I don't regret it though, I guess so many things happened that made me to experience and become a stronger person. Now I think: hamishe bayad az chizi kaast ta be chizi afzaasht....
I have a question for those who live in Toronto area. I'm soon gathering paper works for applying under spousal sponsorship. This time I'm not represented by a lawyer and am doing everything myself. By any chance, is there someone here who has just started the process? I was thinking maybe we could meet and check with each other the documents we have to include in our application. I know everything is online, but kaar az mohkam kari eyb nemikone. I'd be really happy if someone is interested.
its veryyyy goood to see you here again

actually I'm not the person who you're looking for, but i have copy from everything, if you want we can do it together, and this time everything is going to be fine