Thanks for your helpful info mashti.
I have a questions. If someone forgets to pay the RPRF how long is the delay?
I have a questions. If someone forgets to pay the RPRF how long is the delay?
Kurdistan-kazhal said:looooollll...because of their lazy ass we have been apart for the last 2 years, i have not seen my husband ever since,,,im not doing anything except wishing them going through what i have gone through in the last 2 years!! i dont think its wrong at all...i understand i am not the only one and there are lots of other applicants, but from what we see on the chart here most people got their pprs within the 14 month period and there are the odd ones like me who has been waiting for 18 month and just recently they decided to tell us oh stop sending us emails we are awaiting background checks! my husband has never left iran and he cant even hurt a freaking fly..he is no threat to anyone...cic is a joke and so is canada's immigration system and personals, and their vos. thousands of people get into this country through fraud marriages and bull*censored word* business every year and they have decided to ruin the lives of those that are very much real, and are losing years of their lives waiting for some immigration officer to pick up their file and review it,, its actual people with actual feelings, lives not some sort of toy you can toss around...any who take care guys!....
bahar21 said:Thanks for your helpful info mashti.
I have a questions. If someone forgets to pay the RPRF how long is the delay?
Raha said:Ow! That is because you are a Newbie and these actions will be available for you after sending a specific number of posts.
Anyhow, I had a question regarding the fact that you and your wife were together in a third country. Right now, my husband resides in Canada and I in Iran but we have the alternative to live together in a third country but we are afraid this will hurt the process with CIC. So we are just postponing our departure.
I would like to know your idea in this case, was yours the same? Do you know what happens to the process if we go to another country for a while? (3-4yrs for example) Do we have to withdraw our application?
Thanx a million for your help![]()
It was changed early May or late April 2012.mediGOL said:NBMMM , IS IT POSSIBLE ASK YOUR FRIEND HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE IN PROCESS ?
mediGOL said:if you see that NBMMM TOLD , his friend appllied end of OCTOBER and last week got the visa , then 15 month does not work! what you guys , your idea?
mashti said:Dont be to obsessed with the timelines. It's a good indication on what to expect, but never works as per our calcs. It also shows the result of previous months (I think last 12 months). So we all knew it will take more than 1 year anyway from what people are reporting here. 12 to 18 months is very normal specially with few offices closing their immig sections.
everybody's case is different so even comparing is only an indication.
To sponsored spouses: I always tell my wife that living in another country has its own costs and one of them is the stress and wait for visa and PR. Instead of worrying about things you have no control over try to spend your energy on how to get ready for life in another country.
Good luck
Ya Ali
I do agree with you...about not regards to the ecaps u know how long after applying they will send you an email? any ideas?
niloogoogooli said:I do agree with you...about not regards to the ecaps u know how long after applying they will send you an email? any ideas?
Yep honey. It s right thereniloogoogooli said:also is there a column on the chart to see when people turned to in process?
Ow, I forgot to describe that my husband is the sponsor who is a Canadian citizen and has been living in Canada for the last 5 years.mashti said:Due to our own privacy I can not explain the details of our file here. Plus we tried completely different avenue so if I make it public then many people might abuse it and then ruin it for genuine cases. I could share it with you if I can send you a private message. So I just focus on your case for now. Your chance to get it approved the way I did is very slim if not impossible anyway .
From what you say I assume you are not Canadian citizen, because if you are then there is no problem to be out of Canada.
As per procedure as sponsor you have to be in Canada, when you apply, while in process and when your hubby gets his visa. Syria embassy used to ask for certified copy of sponsor passport to figure out how long he/she was out of canada. So if you leave canada and do not inform them it will be misrepresentation of info and if they find out, he will be on black list for at least 2 years and there is chance that they take your PR away. So my suggestion is not to take the risk. If you inform them, then they will thank you for your honesty but they will also ask you to withdraw the application.
The other problem that you might be aware is that as PR you need to be in canada 2 out of 5 years, and again better not to give them false address and info. I'm employee of canadian division of an international company and I'm working as expatriate employee so days out of canada counts as the min requirement.
To be honest I'm against lying in the applications. But unfortunately many people do that. That's one of the reasons that processing of the applications takes a long time, as they have to check and check and check.
So long story short, my suggestion is not to leave Canada. I dont know about your timeline but if it's only matter of few months then you would be better off waiting.
Ya Ali