hey everyone,
u really have a great thread, with so much details and useful info

it's been great reading u silently; i used to be active here many months ago, then had to take a break; now, we r almost ready to send our application too but i have an important question

on the checklist guide, they ask for military service card; but in Syria there is no such card :

my husband, Syrian national, fulfilled some conditions and was exempted; he didn't do the service but he does not have to do it either; but my question is, what kind of official paper do we need to notarize to show that? this is really specific to Syria since they r pretty strict with the military service...please, for the ones in the same situation, any help is greatly appreciated (even the name in arabic would help, my husband will probably understand)...Ramz, honey, what paper did ur husband show? thank u so much!!
on another note, i also want to say elf mabrooook (thousands congrats) to everyone who finished their process and have a happy new life in Canada (it would b nice to still b in touch here and let us know how the wife/husband is adapting, it's a fun experience)
sohrab, have a great experience in a new country and work place

closer to ur wife....maybe u could visit her soon!
vivi, i think u r in vacation now or next month? anyway, enjoy! i missed talking to u and glad u had some news from Damascus, one step closer

kamal, u r really a hero for all, i don't know from where u have so much patience and positive attitude; a great example for all!! wishing u the best of luck
finally, scarycemetary, really glad that u had a good interview, mabrook, and wow it was soo short; do u mind sharing more? were there questions abt the relationship too or just abt the re-settling plans? did they ask ur husband too about his future plans in Canada or just u the sponsor? i saw u looked over some other old threads where i posted (how to show ur re-settlement plans, sponsor ties with Canada, etc)...where those ideas helpful? i asked cuz we'll b in the same situation (sponsor residing outside Canada) and i'm trying to prepare everything as better as i can
good luck everyone!! stay positive and have a nice weekend