ahahhahahah...funny.. im sure they are working,...here is a timeline on how their days start... they probably go in at 8 chitchat till 8 30, get a coffee or tea, go in to their offices, go through a couple of pages, and then its time to go to lunch, so they go to eat lunch and they take a whole hour, then they come back and probably finish the first file, and before you know it its time to take another break, and that takes about 15 min and then they go back open another file then they probably finish half of that file and now its 5 oclock and time to go home....lol...tell your wife this is how they work, im sure its gana make her smile and she is gana be like, ah i knew it all along, these people move like turtles.. btw i have been waiting for 20 month today, i cant believe it wallah