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CHC, Islamabad Spouse Sponsorship Timeline 2011 -2012


VIP Member
Sep 6, 2010
Mrkkhan said:
what is CAIPS?
can anyone explain please...
There is no point of ordering CAIPS for atleast 10 months after the file is transfered to Islamabad...

What Is 'CAIPS'?

CAIPS is short for 'Computer Assisted Immigration Processing System'. It is the computer system used by Citizenship & Immigration Canada to process overseas visa applications, and holds all the information on the current status of every immigration application.

Should I Get My File?

There are many situations where you may want to get your CAIPS file. If you have been asked to attend an interview, then you should definitely get your notes to find out why the interview was requested, so that you can be well prepared for the interview. Any reputable immigration consultant would request the CAIPS file in this circumstance.

Also, if you feel that your application is taking longer than usual, or you have not heard anything from the visa office for a surprisingly long time, then you should consider getting your CAIPS notes to check that your application is on track. You can often track unexplained delays down to missing letters or documents which become apparent as soon as the file is obtained. For example, CIC may have written to an applicant requesting additional references, educational transcripts or language tests, but the applicant may not have received such a request. Without CAIPS notes, the applicant would not have known that such a request was made.

Finally, if you have any other worry about your application status or progress, or are just generally curious as to what has happened so far, then you can get your CAIPS notes to put your mind at rest.

How Do I Get My CAIPS File?

Getting your file is fairly straight forward, but you will have to pay $ 5 if you are requesting CAIPS notes for your spouse, and they are not residing in Canada. Follow the instructions below:


Have your spouse fill out this form, http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/forms/IMM5475E.pdf Step by step instructions follow below:

Tick the box that says "I authorize Citizenship and Immigration Canada... ... to release information from my case file to the following individual."

Then have your spouse fill out all of his particulars (his/her name, DOB, location of VISA Processing centre, i.e. Islamabad, etc.)

Then fill out your personal information under the headings titled "Designated Individual."

Have your spouse sign AND date the form at the bottom.

OR, if you have already filled out this form: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/forms/IMM5476E.PDF
then just send a photocopy of it along with 2. and 3..


You must now fill out this form: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/forms/IMM5563B.pdf Step by step instructions follow below:

Leave the first two boxes at the top blank (Requesters Reference No. and Public Rights Administration file number). This is to be filled by the officer processing your request.

Tick the box that says "Access to Information Act ($ 5.00 fee)." Yes, you HAVE to pay $ 5, there is no way around this. Do not tick "Privacy Act" and hope they will just process it without you having to pay $ 5; this will NOT work. You must pay $ 5 since you are requesting the info on behalf of your spouse, and your spouse is not residing in Canada.

Select which language you wish to receive your notes in, English or French. (I do not know why these choices are under the "Privacy Act" sub-heading. I am assuming the choice of language is also afforded to those who are requesting their notes under the access to "Information Act," and this is just poor design. But I may be wrong (In that case, it wont make a difference).

Then tick the box which says "Receive copies of the Records."

Fill out your spouse's information under the "Client Information" box.

Under the next heading, "Request for- Required Information" box, tick the "CAIPS (information abroad)" box and write "Canadian High Commission (ISLAMABAD)" under the "Embassy" sub-heading, and write the "Visa File No." in the appropriate box. DO NOT check any other boxes in this section. Especially the "OVERSEAS VISA FILE" box. If you do this, they will pull your file aside, photocopy everything and send it to you. It will not only take you forever to get the information, but they will also take your file out of the queue to process your request and therefore it will take LONGER !!! (CAIPS is just a computer printout of all the work done on your file so far. It will not affect the speed at which your case is processed)

In the next heading, tick the box which says "This request is being made by a Canadian Citizen..." Fill out all of your information in this box, name, phone number, address, etc.

Sign and date.


Make out a cheque payable to the "Receiver General of Canada" for $ 5.

Enclose the cheque in an envelope with the other forms, and send it to the address below:

Public Rights Administration
Citizenship and Immigration Canada
Narono Building
360 Laurier Avenue West, 10th floor
Ottawa, ON
K1A 1L1


Aug 13, 2011
anso said:
well some how it is right info so far
The meaning of " Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Ilahi Raaji'oon" & seven names of Allah
Inna lillaahi wa inna ilayhi Raaji'oon

Yeah, sure we say this statement when someone dies.Also some of us may say this sentence when they lose something, suffer a setback or harm. But............do you know what it means?

Sure, everyone know that it obviously means 'To Allaah we belong and to Him is our return.'
But that's not what I am talking about.
I mean ....do you REALLY, TRULY understand these words and their implications in a Muslim's life?
It means ....whatever we have is not really ours. It belongs to Allaah.

Take a look around you; everything you see, all that you have and all that there is....in you, on you, around you....belongs to Allaah, alone.
It is Allah Who has given you all the property and goods you possess, and that He is the true Owner of them all.

So the cars that you own, the houses that you live in, the businesses you possess all truly belong to Allaah

The kids that He blessed you with, the health that He gave you, the time that He has allowed you are all Allah's property.
Even the bodies we live in and the life that we have belongs to Allaah alone.

"And to Allah belongs the inheritance of the heavens and the earth...." (Surah Aal-Imraan:180)
"The kingdom of the heavens and the earth and everything in them belongs to Allah. He has power over all things." ( Surat al-Ma'ida: 120)
'Say: 'To Allah belongs the East and the West...' (Surah al-Baqarah:142)

Now, since everything belongs to Allaah, then we have to include even our souls in that list..
The very souls that we think of as our "self"; our "nafs"; our "being" -- whatever you want to call it -- that very thing that distinguishes you from the rest of the world, belongs to Allaah. It's not YOURS.

In fact, YOU are not YOURS.
You belong to Allaah.

And this is the essence of the concept of slavery to Allaah in Islam.

And since He is the true Possessor of everything, and everything is His property, He allots what He wills to whomever He wills...A 6.and then He takes it away. After all, it was Allaah's to begin with.
So He may give you some thing and then take it back after a while..

He will bless you with a precious child that you love dearly...and then He may take it away.
He will grant you money, honour and status.....and then He may take it away.
He will give you youth, vitality and health and then surely He will take it away.
In fact everything you have will only be with you for a very short while.
And then the Owner will claim His Right.
So when Allaah does reclaim what was rightfully His, WHY MOURN OUR LOSSES?

Just like a friend who lends you his book. And then after a few days, he wants it back and you give it back to him...no regrets.....no sorrow....no questions asked.
Similarly, if Allah takes back some of His blessings upon you for some reason....so be it.
Say Alhamdulillaah.

Don't grieve.

Be patient.

Submit to the will of Allaah, being pleased with His decision for you. For surely He will only do what is best for you.

Just think.....The Owner came and took it back.
Remember....that you're not the real owner.....you were NEVER the real owner to begin with. You only had everything because it was Allah who gave it to you in the first place. If He didn't give it to you, you wouldn't have had it in any way...in fact, you couldn't have had it.
Remember.....man enters into this world empty handed...and leaves it empty handed.
Remember.....that everything we have, all the blessings we enjoy, are gifts from Almighty Allah....gifts that we enjoy for a limited period until He takes them away whenever He deems fit.

They are a trust from Allah...a loan to you....to see how you respond to these gifts from Allaah and how you use them.....in the obedience of the Almighty, thanking Him and worshipping Him......OR.........to the disobedience to the One Who gave then to you in the first place.

Take note of the words of the Prophet (Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam) on the=2 0occasion of the death of his son, Ibraahim:

'Our eyes are filled with tears, our hearts with grief, but we say nothing with our lips except that which pleases Allah.... Verily, to Allah we belong, and to Him we return..' (Bukhaari)

And we all know the famous incidence about the companion Abu Talha and his wife when one of the sons died and Abu Talha was not at home. She washed and shrouded him and when Abu Talha came home and asked about his son, she said,
'The child is quiet and I hope he is in peace.....' (Bukhaari)

Subhaan Allaah....such patience!
And such Imaan in the statement "Inna lillaahi wa inna ilayhi Raaji'oon"!

She truly understood its meaning and the affect it should have on her life as a Muslimah, submitting to him and being pleased with whatever He has decreed for her.

She knew that whatever she has, is not truly hers. Rather, it is Allaah's....and He took back whatever He owns at its appointed time.
And it is because of this Imaan so strong, this understanding, that the Prophet (Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam) made dua for them and Allaah ble ssed them immensely.

"'They (i.e. Abu Talha and his wife) had nine sons and all of them became reciters of the Quran (by heart)." (Bukhaari)

"Be sure we will test you with something of fear and hunger, some loss in goods or lives, but give glad tidings to those who are steadfast, who say when afflicted with calamity: 'To Allah we belong and to him is our return.' They are those on who (descend) blessings from Allah and mercy and they are the once that receive guidance." (al-Baqarah: 155)

Trust in Allah (SWT) with all your heart and HE will never fail you because HE is Awesome!


1 Minute for Allah:
Say with your heart:








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Champion Member
Jun 19, 2011
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
Med's Request
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
Application TRANSFER to CHC- Islamabad 2011
Asif_ 786------ January 2011
Fj423------- January 2011
R.Mujgani-------- January 011
CHUMCHUM------ January 2011
Anso------ January 2011
Liakram------ January 2011
Become –a-loner February 2011
Anzee------ February 2011
Samno-------- march 2011
Drwaqas------ March 2011
Mahamq245------------- March 2011
Visionquest--------- April 2011
Blueye---------- April 2011
Mah1906------- April 2011
Yago------ April 2011
Maknojia-------- April 2011
Canadian555--------April 2011
Waljo88------ April 2011
Hinajameel1984------------May 2011
Mkhan63------ May 2011
People_champ-------- May 2011
Philantropist---------- June 2011
Princesss---- June 2011
Maryamfarhan------ June 2011
Irsum- ---------June 2011
Hot-lier ---------August 2011
Sahibzada_2010------- August 2011
Khilafah5 -------- August 2011
Lonelynica --------- Unknown
Sabii----------------- Unknown
Joru ka Ghulam ------- Unknown
Kapechoo------- unknown
Ezee------- Unknown
Syedgj------- Unknown
Ayan4786------ Unkown


Aug 30, 2011
dear iftikhar505 thanks a lot for all ur help and kind support through out i want to ask u here the one more and last question that is:

if withdrwan confirm than what the apllicant and sponser should do or can do, like can sponser (wife)who withdrawn can apply for visit visa or study visa for applicant (husband) who withdrawn by the sponser, or applicant apply on his own through relatives in canada for visit n study and after there in canada on visit or study visa can again sponser apply for immigration of spouse or spouse can apply on own for immigration through relatives after there in canada on visit or study visa??


Star Member
Jul 26, 2011
Job Offer........
AOR Received.
June 2011
Hello everyone,

Spousal Immigration seems to be the toughest task on the planet[for pakistanis only :mad:]

I dont know how people around here got soooo much "patience" to wait for 9 months, 16 months, 21 months, 23 months and 24 months, not finally, because it is expected to exceed to 28 months, 32 months...38 months.......the sequence of increasing months in your choice.... :p

People applied in 2011, should raise their voice against this unfair prolong time....so I am appealing everyone on this forum to write to Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to divert attention of our officials to this unjust.....

You can write anonymously. And I think Fax is the better option to deliver the letter. Here is the Fax number of our beloved Foreign Minister, Ms. Hina Rabbani Khar:


You can also send by post on this address:

Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
Foreign Office Building (near Serena Hotel),
Constitution Avenue,
G-5, Islamabad.

It would be better, if the letter is written directly to the Foreign Minister.

Guys, if you remember, last year UK visa applications were gathered in bulk, and thousands of applicants were waiting due to slow, and inefficiency of the visa office. People wrote to Foreign Ministry of Pakistan and they took an action to resolve the issue.

I think we all spousal visa victims :-X......should at least bring into the notice of Foreign Minister...that the spousal visas are taking too much time and it is against human rights....hope it will make some difference...


I appeal to all those senior members of this forum, who got the visa, or about to get a visa to acknowledge my appeal voluntarily...
I will be thankful... :)


Hero Member
Mar 2, 2011
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
Med's Request
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
I will do that, let’s also get together for apply to supreme court of Canada for this human right volition.
philantropist said:
Hello everyone,

Spousal Immigration seems to be the toughest task on the planet[for pakistanis only :mad:]

I dont know how people around here got soooo much "patience" to wait for 9 months, 16 months, 21 months, 23 months and 24 months, not finally, because it is expected to exceed to 28 months, 32 months...38 months.......the sequence of increasing months in your choice.... :p

People applied in 2011, should raise their voice against this unfair prolong time....so I am appealing everyone on this forum to write to Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to divert attention of our officials to this unjust.....

You can write anonymously. And I think Fax is the better option to deliver the letter. Here is the Fax number of our beloved Foreign Minister, Ms. Hina Rabbani Khar:


You can also send by post on this address:

Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
Foreign Office Building (near Serena Hotel),
Constitution Avenue,
G-5, Islamabad.

It would be better, if the letter is written directly to the Foreign Minister.

Guys, if you remember, last year UK visa applications were gathered in bulk, and thousands of applicants were waiting due to slow, and inefficiency of the visa office. People wrote to Foreign Ministry of Pakistan and they took an action to resolve the issue.

I think we all spousal visa victims :-X......should at least bring into the notice of Foreign Minister...that the spousal visas are taking too much time and it is against human rights....hope it will make some difference...


I appeal to all those senior members of this forum, who got the visa, or about to get a visa to acknowledge my appeal voluntarily...
I will be thankful... :)


Star Member
Jul 26, 2011
Job Offer........
AOR Received.
June 2011
Ezee said:
I will do that, let's also get together for apply to supreme court of Canada for this human right volition.
thanks a lot Ezee...plz tell, how can we join you to apply to Supreme Court of Canada? I will be definitely standing next to you in this regard....inshallah....


Hero Member
Jan 7, 2011
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
Dear Wes,
You are really a gr8 guy helping evryone on the forum but Please remember that never say that "you can sign for your spouse ". But rather you can write as sometime people sign for their spouse as we know back home they do that. I hope you don't mind that I made that correction 4 u. I know you posses much greater knowledge then I do.

wes786 said:
There is no point of ordering CAIPS for atleast 10 months after the file is transfered to Islamabad...

What Is 'CAIPS'?

CAIPS is short for 'Computer Assisted Immigration Processing System'. It is the computer system used by Citizenship & Immigration Canada to process overseas visa applications, and holds all the information on the current status of every immigration application.

Should I Get My File?

There are many situations where you may want to get your CAIPS file. If you have been asked to attend an interview, then you should definitely get your notes to find out why the interview was requested, so that you can be well prepared for the interview. Any reputable immigration consultant would request the CAIPS file in this circumstance.

Also, if you feel that your application is taking longer than usual, or you have not heard anything from the visa office for a surprisingly long time, then you should consider getting your CAIPS notes to check that your application is on track. You can often track unexplained delays down to missing letters or documents which become apparent as soon as the file is obtained. For example, CIC may have written to an applicant requesting additional references, educational transcripts or language tests, but the applicant may not have received such a request. Without CAIPS notes, the applicant would not have known that such a request was made.

Finally, if you have any other worry about your application status or progress, or are just generally curious as to what has happened so far, then you can get your CAIPS notes to put your mind at rest.

How Do I Get My CAIPS File?

Getting your file is fairly straight forward, but you will have to pay $ 5 if you are requesting CAIPS notes for your spouse, and they are not residing in Canada. Follow the instructions below:


Have your spouse fill out this form, http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/forms/IMM5475E.pdf Step by step instructions follow below:

Tick the box that says "I authorize Citizenship and Immigration Canada... ... to release information from my case file to the following individual."

Then have your spouse fill out all of his particulars (his/her name, DOB, location of VISA Processing centre, i.e. Islamabad, etc.)

Then fill out your personal information under the headings titled "Designated Individual."

Have your spouse sign AND date the form at the bottom (alternatively, you could sign for your spouse; I dont think they will notice).

OR, if you have already filled out this form: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/forms/IMM5476E.PDF
then just send a photocopy of it along with 2. and 3..


You must now fill out this form: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/forms/IMM5563B.pdf Step by step instructions follow below:

Leave the first two boxes at the top blank (Requesters Reference No. and Public Rights Administration file number). This is to be filled by the officer processing your request.

Tick the box that says "Access to Information Act ($ 5.00 fee)." Yes, you HAVE to pay $ 5, there is no way around this. Do not tick "Privacy Act" and hope they will just process it without you having to pay $ 5; this will NOT work. You must pay $ 5 since you are requesting the info on behalf of your spouse, and your spouse is not residing in Canada.

Select which language you wish to receive your notes in, English or French. (I do not know why these choices are under the "Privacy Act" sub-heading. I am assuming the choice of language is also afforded to those who are requesting their notes under the access to "Information Act," and this is just poor design. But I may be wrong (In that case, it wont make a difference).

Then tick the box which says "Receive copies of the Records."

Fill out your spouse's information under the "Client Information" box.

Under the next heading, "Request for- Required Information" box, tick the "CAIPS (information abroad)" box and write "Canadian High Commission (ISLAMABAD)" under the "Embassy" sub-heading, and write the "Visa File No." in the appropriate box. DO NOT check any other boxes in this section. Especially the "OVERSEAS VISA FILE" box. If you do this, they will pull your file aside, photocopy everything and send it to you. It will not only take you forever to get the information, but they will also take your file out of the queue to process your request and therefore it will take LONGER !!! (CAIPS is just a computer printout of all the work done on your file so far. It will not affect the speed at which your case is processed)

In the next heading, tick the box which says "This request is being made by a Canadian Citizen..." Fill out all of your information in this box, name, phone number, address, etc.

Sign and date.


Make out a cheque payable to the "Receiver General of Canada" for $ 5.

Enclose the cheque in an envelope with the other forms, and send it to the address below:

Public Rights Administration
Citizenship and Immigration Canada
Narono Building
360 Laurier Avenue West, 10th floor
Ottawa, ON
K1A 1L1

ONE 2 KA 4

Champion Member
Jul 22, 2010
Job Offer........
philantropist said:
Hello everyone,
Spousal Immigration seems to be the toughest task on the planet[for pakistanis only :mad:]
I dont know how people around here got soooo much "patience" to wait for 9 months, 16 months, 21 months, 23 months and 24 months, not finally, because it is expected to exceed to 28 months, 32 months...38 months.......the sequence of increasing months in your choice.... :p
People applied in 2011, should raise their voice against this unfair prolong time....so I am appealing everyone on this forum to write to Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to divert attention of our officials to this unjust.....
You can write anonymously. And I think Fax is the better option to deliver the letter. Here is the Fax number of our beloved Foreign Minister, Ms. Hina Rabbani Khar:
You can also send by post on this address:
Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
Foreign Office Building (near Serena Hotel),
Constitution Avenue,
G-5, Islamabad.
It would be better, if the letter is written directly to the Foreign Minister.
Guys, if you remember, last year UK visa applications were gathered in bulk, and thousands of applicants were waiting due to slow, and inefficiency of the visa office. People wrote to Foreign Ministry of Pakistan and they took an action to resolve the issue.
I think we all spousal visa victims :-X......should at least bring into the notice of Foreign Minister...that the spousal visas are taking too much time and it is against human rights....hope it will make some difference...
I appeal to all those senior members of this forum, who got the visa, or about to get a visa to acknowledge my appeal voluntarily...
I will be thankful... :)
Ezee said:
I will do that, let's also get together for apply to supreme court of Canada for this human right volition.
Dear friends, your suggestions and opinions are valuable and highly appreciated but unfortunately this is not going to help us anyway. We 2009-2010 applicants have done almost everything possible we can do on the forum but not even a single sympathy reply from any of the minister office or organization office to any of us. Having said that applicants of 2011 can give a try may be they have better luck than we do.
Yes you are right about UK spousal visa's delays and number of rejections. Not only they speed up the process but their immigration minister visit's the embassy to find the reasons when peoples like us as a community did the protest in UK, my aunty came from UK late last year and she mentioned me about this and encourage why we are not doing here the same. Did I have an answer for her “NO” because over here we not considered human but do considered tax machine for economy, so no human no rights, no respect of newly wedding relationship, no value’s.

If I remember it correctly when it was election time back in May and Honourable minister of citizenship & immigration was coming live on Punjabi/desi radios and one of the forum member called in and asked the question to minister for the delayed at CHC-I office and the answer was that he is not aware of the 22 month's processing timeline and assure the caller that if the Govt is elected than he will look into this issue upon returning back in office. May/June/July/Aug are passed and the situation is in front of all of us, infect went up from 22 to 24 months. My question is "How come honourable minister of citizenship & immigration said that he is not aware of the 22 months processing timeline for ISLMBD office. I assume every office mission guideline/agenda, increase/decrease the quota and timeline is approved by the minister office OR at least reviewed at high-level before a change go in place."


Star Member
Jul 26, 2011
Job Offer........
AOR Received.
June 2011
ONE 2 KA 4 said:
Dear friends, your suggestions and opinions are valuable and highly appreciated but unfortunately this is not going to help us anyway. We 2009-2010 applicants have done almost everything possible we can do on the forum but not even a single sympathy reply from any of the minister office or organization office to any of us. Having said that applicants of 2011 can give a try may be they have better luck than we do.
Yes you are right about UK spousal visa's delays and number of rejection. Not only they speed up the process but their immigration minister visit's the embassy to find the reasons when peoples like us as a community did the protest in UK, my aunty came from UK late last year and she told mentioned me about this and encourage my why we are not doing here the same. Did I have an answer for her “NO” because over here we not considered human but do considered tax machine for economy, so no human no rights, no respect of newly wedding relationship, no value’s.

If I remember it correctly when it was election time back in May and Honourable minister of citizenship & immigration was coming live on Punjabi/desi radios and one of the forum member called in and asked the question to minister for the delayed at CHC-I office and the answer was that he is not aware of the 22 month's processing timeline and assure the caller that if the Govt is elected than he will look into this issue upon returning back in office. May/June/July/Aug are passed and the situation is in front of all of us, infect went up from 22 to 24 months. My question is "How come honourable minister of citizenship & immigration said that he is not aware of the 22 months processing timeline for ISLMBD office. I assume every office mission guideline/agenda, increase/decrease the quota and timeline is approved by the minister office OR at least reviewed at high-level before a change go in place."
thanks one 2 ka4 and all other seniors here who contributed in raising their voices...

but still... :( pls join us again and fax or post the letter...direct to foreign minister....

she is a woman..who knows...she gona understand the problem and take action... :D

people who are either in canada or pakistan....pls write a letter....no matter,if u have written it before or not...as another effort..... :'(


VIP Member
Sep 6, 2010
iftikhar505 said:
Dear Wes,
You are really a gr8 guy helping evryone on the forum but Please remember that never say that "you can sign for your spouse ". But rather you can write as sometime people sign for their spouse as we know back home they do that. I hope you don't mind that I made that correction 4 u. I know you posses much greater knowledge then I do.
I didn't write this, its copied from someone on the forum that I saved but yeah no I am glad you brought it up, I will make a change and resave it :) Thanks


May 14, 2011
Hi All
Would any one of you help me please.

I am from Abbottabad, My wife sponsor the case and i received the letter on March 2nd-2010 from CHC Islamabad, that they start processing my case. On March 08th-2011, they informed me through email that background checks are over for this application and is in queue for review.On May 21st-2011, they informed me that an interview is required but they didn't give me the time frame for the interview.
But on July 25th-2011, they answer in response to my email that Your application is currently in process and is in queue for review. Currently, back ground checks are underway for this application.
I didn't know whats going on. In March they told me that the background checks are over for this application but in July they told me that background checks are underway for this application.
After 25th July-2011, they are not answering any of my email.

Would any one help me what I should do or what is the next step.
Looking forward for a reply from you people soon.


Star Member
Jun 26, 2011
anzee said:
if nobody is getting AOR after October, how we find out that our case in queue and contact without file number?

is that right information or not?

Hi Anzee,

Hope you are doing well. Have you heard anything from Visa Office. It's been 8 months approx. months since you have applied. Haven't seen any comments from 2011 applicants after receiving sponsorship approvals. from this forum i understand that things are taking time but still some lucky cases get processed within 8 to 12 months.


Hero Member
Mar 2, 2011
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
Med's Request
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
I mailed sponsorship application for my wife to Mississauga on August, 24th, 2011.
Khilafah5 said:
Application TRANSFER to CHC- Islamabad 2011
Sabii----------------- Unknown
Joru ka Ghulam ------- Unknown
Kapechoo------- unknown
Ezee------- Unknown
Syedgj------- Unknown
Ayan4786------ Unkown


Hero Member
Jan 7, 2011
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
Dear ss248,
I think I had mentioned earlier about applying for visitor or student visa that it depends on the sponsor reason to withdraw the application.
If the sponsor wrote chc that the sponsored person is fraud and he or she just wants to come to canada then they would not issue you the visa at all. But if the sponsor did not mention anything like that for example said we had some issues regarding our marriage besides any fraudulent reason then it would not be a problem. so it is hard to say what is the reason behind the rejection unless you find that out first. Wish u Good luck anyway.

SS248 said:
dear iftikhar505 thanks a lot for all ur help and kind support through out i want to ask u here the one more and last question that is:

if withdrwan confirm than what the apllicant and sponser should do or can do, like can sponser (wife)who withdrawn can apply for visit visa or study visa for applicant (husband) who withdrawn by the sponser, or applicant apply on his own through relatives in canada for visit n study and after there in canada on visit or study visa can again sponser apply for immigration of spouse or spouse can apply on own for immigration through relatives after there in canada on visit or study visa??