Hi everyone,
I got to see my MP today again. He told me that every year Canada lets 200,000 people in the country and 60% of that are skilled workers, 40% family class. He also said that they choose a certain amount of applicants from every country and those countries that are very busy get to stay behind.
I am not sure if you guys know this already or some of you like me may not know it. So he told me that for those applicants who did their re-medical, they should not worry about the interview cause re-medical is the 3rd stage and when you reach to the 3rd stage your almost there.
He said that a lot of Muslim applicants go to him daily and complain about their spouses

that is one of the reasons why CIC is taking it very serious
He also said for those applicants who haven't heard anything after the first stage and it's taking more than the usual time, it's because CIC is not sure whether their marriage is genuine or not and in order to avoid any doubt it's better for the sponsor to visit the applicant within this time.
Basically my MP didn't help me at all. Every time I go to him he brings up something stupid to say which upsets me

when I see seniors members on this forum waiting for ppr after re-medical, it frustrates me more and more