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CHC, Islamabad Spouse Sponsorship Timeline 2011 -2012


Star Member
May 10, 2011
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
May 2011
Doc's Request.
May 2012
AOR Received.
May 2012
File Transfer...
June 2011
Med's Request
Nov. 2012
Med's Done....
Dec. 2012
Passport Req..
Feb 12, 2013
Mar 4, 2013
Inshallah in May
zaig said:
if you gays see my post i want to luanch a protest , i have already said that .. please do some thing this wait is breaking our relation .so please i have seggesstion for you all if you are agreed we are doing nothing wrong aganist canada we will do it for us . we have to raise our voice this is right political step this is humans world thats how people brings issues in to the consideration of athuorities if you all are agreed i have ideas .
irsum said:
I do see it as human right violation. This is our right to get married, sponsor and live with our spouse and build a family. This is basic human right. A right delayed so excessively is, in fact, a right denied. As tax payers and Canadian citizens we should try all possible avenues to get our perilous situation across. There is strength in number and we need to organize. We may need a different platform then this forum for organization. We shall recruit others in our cause. Our family members, friends, community members etc. As a larger group we start work to get sympathetic people of influence. Such as journalists, community leaders as well as any politicians with favorable attitude towards this issue. We need some influential people to be our advocates as well as advisors on building awareness and some form of political pressure. Three things are fundamental: Number, Organization and Action. We start with the forum members here. They should be willing to spend time and effort and bring some ideas. First step is to create an organization. I still believe that in a democratic country people can apply pressure and exercise some power over the government and bureaucracy. I do believe most people will be upset if they come to know about this outrage. Just as an example, my colleagues and boss in our office (mostly WASPS and Canadians) are very upset that I have been waiting for this long for my wife to join me. So I do believe we can get support from wider group of people.
I would suggest starting with a working group of few members who can devote some time. This group shall put forward the ideas on how to build a structure which enables collective action. I am certain we can make some difference.

This was posted by me in early December. I am all for a protest and sustained struggle. The fear that if we would be targeted if we make efforts and protest is absolutely nonsense. Let us think, plan and struggle together. I am in favor of creating a new thread for this. It helps in keeping all relevant ideas and materials together


Champion Member
May 14, 2011
Toronto Ontario
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Jan. 2011
AOR Received.
Wakalat Nama March 2012/ Supp. forms June 2012
File Transfer...
Jan. 2011 (Ecase changed to IN PROCCESS October 26 2012)
Med's Request
November 21th 2012
Med's Done....
November 29th 2012
Waived Alhamdulillah
Passport Req..
Alhamdulillah April 19th 2013
Alhamdulillah June 28 2013
Alhamdulillah July 14 2013
today is one year since my case transferred to CHC_ISlamabad
Happy Birthday Case n
Insha'ALLAH I will hear some good news soon

MAY ALLAH SWT SHOWER HIS BLESSINGS on my husband n I and everyone on this forum
so that we can be reunited with our spouses.


Hero Member
Jul 2, 2011
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
25th Feb 2011
File Transfer...
1st April 2011
Med's Request
21st march 2012
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
3rd May 2012 (alhamdulillah) sent on 9th May
31st May 2012 (alhamdulillah)
3rd of july
R.Mujgani said:
today is one year since my case transferred to CHC_ISlamabad
Happy Birthday Case n
Insha'ALLAH I will hear some good news soon

MAY ALLAH SWT SHOWER HIS BLESSINGS on my husband n I and everyone on this forum
so that we can be reunited with our spouses.
Happy birthday :( hope 2011 case's hear some good news soon.


Hero Member
Jan 5, 2012
Job Offer........
i.Solo said:
Count me in as well.

I think we should try again but we need to draw a strategy and see what did not work last time and what could be done this time. There is a already a Facebook page so feel free to join them.


In my opinion we need to draw a pressure through our MPs. A letter should be handed personally by a group of few people who discuss and convey their concern to their respective MPs. This letter should be signed by at least 70- 100 people per constituent. It's will be hard for an MP to ignore a letter which is signed by 50-100 people. MPs can't risk to loose so many voters in next election.
so if 50-60 MPs talk to PM or JK than it will be vary hard for them to ignore their plea. As i think MP is only the person who can put any pressure on the conservative caucus. we should not discuss our personal cases to MPs because it's waste of time. Instead we need to put a joint pressure on each MP. All we want from our MP to raise this issue in the parliament or talk to Jason Kenny to address this issue.

Secondly we all need to gain momentum. I think we should use social media for this purpose. whether it be twitter or FB. just invite ur family and friends to join. Lots of Pakistani political parties are quite active in Canada. We can just ask their member to throw their support behind us.

Also Liberals and NDP MPs can also raise this question in parliament. They sure need Pakistani community votes in next election so it's a good time to gain our support. If any one doesn't come to our rescue than we as community will not support them in next Fed election. Simple is that.

so get support day by day > Just my thoughts.

Ps: I have been on this forum for some time and it amazes me that when ever someone raises this issue there is alway a person who tries to stop it. I always wonder why people are so afraid of it. May be they are very close in their process so thats why they don't want to bother. But they shouldn't stop or discourage other people to protest this unfair system.

Also some people blame Pakistan's situation for the delay. It might be true but in my opinion Conservative govt has it's own agenda. So if you are not jew/Christian than your out of luck. In my opinion Jason Kenny got pissed when Pakistani MP Shahbaz Bhatti got killed. Since than they are continuously increasing the time limit. (Just my opinion).. Also Riko Diq might be another reason.

And please don't afraid to protest. It's our legal right. Don't be afraid that they would know our names or what not.. Believe in God and try your best to fight against this racism. Best of Luck
So true. Something is stopping them. This should have been done long time ago. I don't understand how can they just wait and watch. It's a waste of time. I'm sure by waiting all this time you guys must have ended up in depression and u are still suffering. They will keep increase the processing time.
It will not only end u up with depression pills but it can effect your relationship.


I think sending letters will not help. They will say " we never got anything"
If nobody is willing to join only by going standing up, do u think they will come forward to sign.
Atleast they will say " when we stand in crowd nobody will knows us. "
If we got to city hall for example the media will be also there. Then only our voice will reach CIC-I.


Star Member
Nov 1, 2011
*AFREEN* said:
So true. Something is stopping them. This should have been done long time ago. I don't understand how can they just wait and watch. It's a waste of time. I'm sure by waiting all this time you guys must have ended up in depression and u are still suffering. They will keep increase the processing time.
It will not only end u up with depression pills but it can effect your relationship.


I think sending letters will not help. They will say " we never got anything"
If nobody is willing to join only by going standing up, do u think they will come forward to sign.
Atleast they will say " when we stand in crowd nobody will knows us. "
If we got to city hall for example the media will be also there. Then only our voice will reach CIC-I.

City hall sounds like a great idea -- WE are a huge number here -- Lets get our President of Pakistani Organization involved -- the more people the better


Hero Member
Jan 5, 2012
Job Offer........
jay123456 said:
City hall sounds like a great idea -- WE are a huge number here -- Lets get our President of Pakistani Organization involved -- the more people the better
Same here I know alot of people. who will come for sure.
next thing call pesident ( someone who is a pakistani ) and fix the date and time ;D


Champion Member
May 14, 2011
Toronto Ontario
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Jan. 2011
AOR Received.
Wakalat Nama March 2012/ Supp. forms June 2012
File Transfer...
Jan. 2011 (Ecase changed to IN PROCCESS October 26 2012)
Med's Request
November 21th 2012
Med's Done....
November 29th 2012
Waived Alhamdulillah
Passport Req..
Alhamdulillah April 19th 2013
Alhamdulillah June 28 2013
Alhamdulillah July 14 2013
blueye said:
Happy birthday :( hope 2011 case's hear some good news soon.
I kno
they are takin forever n not respondin to emails as well


i.Solo said:
Count me in as well.

I think we should try again but we need to draw a strategy and see what did not work last time and what could be done this time. There is a already a Facebook page so feel free to join them.


In my opinion we need to draw a pressure through our MPs. A letter should be handed personally by a group of few people who discuss and convey their concern to their respective MPs. This letter should be signed by at least 70- 100 people per constituent. It's will be hard for an MP to ignore a letter which is signed by 50-100 people. MPs can't risk to loose so many voters in next election.
so if 50-60 MPs talk to PM or JK than it will be vary hard for them to ignore their plea. As i think MP is only the person who can put any pressure on the conservative caucus. we should not discuss our personal cases to MPs because it's waste of time. Instead we need to put a joint pressure on each MP. All we want from our MP to raise this issue in the parliament or talk to Jason Kenny to address this issue.

Secondly we all need to gain momentum. I think we should use social media for this purpose. whether it be twitter or FB. just invite ur family and friends to join. Lots of Pakistani political parties are quite active in Canada. We can just ask their member to throw their support behind us.

Also Liberals and NDP MPs can also raise this question in parliament. They sure need Pakistani community votes in next election so it's a good time to gain our support. If any one doesn't come to our rescue than we as community will not support them in next Fed election. Simple is that.

so get support day by day > Just my thoughts.

Ps: I have been on this forum for some time and it amazes me that when ever someone raises this issue there is alway a person who tries to stop it. I always wonder why people are so afraid of it. May be they are very close in their process so thats why they don't want to bother. But they shouldn't stop or discourage other people to protest this unfair system.

Also some people blame Pakistan's situation for the delay. It might be true but in my opinion Conservative govt has it's own agenda. So if you are not jew/Christian than your out of luck. In my opinion Jason Kenny got pissed when Pakistani MP Shahbaz Bhatti got killed. Since than they are continuously increasing the time limit. (Just my opinion).. Also Riko Diq might be another reason.

And please don't afraid to protest. It's our legal right. Don't be afraid that they would know our names or what not.. Believe in God and try your best to fight against this racism. Best of Luck
Sir if u dont mind its not related to Shahbaz Bhatti's killing, like i said earlier when my process was started I had a time line mentioned on AOR 9 months and actually it was 15 months then after 3 months it reached to 18 then 21 and it all happened before the murder of Shahbaz Bhatti.
It is not about being Muslim as well as we have other Muslim countries with lesser time lines.

Wish u all good luck with ur protest :)


Hero Member
Oct 27, 2011
Visa Office......
Nova Scotia
App. Filed.......
14/ 05/2018
Doc's Request.
Passport Req..
Waiting soon
Will in the last week of March
boss now i know that why these currupt zardari nawaz and altaf type character rule us.. boss if you all people who are educated if you behave like this how can you say that a poor villager of pakistan can stand up for their right . canadian will not behave witth you like these people does in pakistan . we are not cursing abusing or any thing to canada . we are just bring this in to their consideration that this process system is not even in our favouir not even in their favouir . unfortunatly u all think protest measns violence no sir . we just have to raise our voice on one plate form . that our family life is effected because of it . if you are too relax with it then why should they run after it .
canadain do have geniuen concernce we need to address that concerns we need to negotiate . there are things wrong on our side for example fundamentalism .racisam then there is a common perseption about paksitanies which is i think to some extent they are right which is that paksitani do not adopt their culture . i am comming soon with new post some thing like we have to change our mentality as well .
so we all need to get togather for this cause this is inhuman .it might be acceptable for skill workers but it is not at all accepted for family class it shouldnt be taking more then 2 months . england is already giving visas in maximum 2 to 6 weeks . they also perform background checks they also go through same procedures finger prints and stuff .so if it is possible for them then it can be possible for any one . and if there are some concerns they should tell us so we can work on it . asking for these things dsnt mean you want to harm them .
i will strongly suggest all of you get togather go out side pakistan foriegn office .with cards and bennars and try to get appointmemnt from hina rabani and pressuries her to speak with kenny why it is taking time if it is because of paksitani agencies then we can put pressure on them if it is because of staff we will pay more fee higher more staff . if other concern address them . do some thing for your rights boss


Hero Member
Nov 29, 2011
Visa Office......
CHC Islamabad
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Feb 2011
File Transfer...
Mar 2011
Med's Request
10 Jul 2012
Med's Done....
11 Jul 2012
Passport Req..
10 Jul 2012; Submitted: 12 Jul 2012; Decision Made: 03 Sept 2012
08 Sept 2012
And I repeat:

I suggest that you guys create a new thread for the purpose of eliciting ideas, views and comments of interested individuals on raising awareness of this issue with the Immigration department. It is a noble cause indeed, but should be carried out outside of this thread.

This thread should be reserved for individuals seeking guidance in regards to their spousal application process :)


Arkansas2045 said:
And I repeat:

I suggest that you guys create a new thread for the purpose of eliciting ideas, views and comments of interested individuals on raising awareness of this issue with the Immigration department. It is a noble cause indeed, but should be carried out outside of this thread.

This thread should be reserved for individuals seeking guidance in regards to their spousal application process :)
That is just some healthy debate no need to create different thread :) as other people mite learn new things out of it.


Star Member
Nov 1, 2011
Who is in This ???

Speak out now and if you are then ask other memebers you know -- or other people you know outside this fourm ---


Hero Member
Nov 29, 2011
Visa Office......
CHC Islamabad
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Feb 2011
File Transfer...
Mar 2011
Med's Request
10 Jul 2012
Med's Done....
11 Jul 2012
Passport Req..
10 Jul 2012; Submitted: 12 Jul 2012; Decision Made: 03 Sept 2012
08 Sept 2012
bestplace4u said:
That is just some healthy debate no need to create different thread :) as other people mite learn new things out of it.
Okey Dokey, if you say so :)

I believe we need to figure out the ROOT CAUSE of the problem before we start protesting or what not. We really have no idea, besides speculating that Canadian government is racist or Pakistani government is corrupt, why the timeline is ever on the rise. We want to shout and scream and show the world our pain, but if we don't know the cause of this pain all this yelling and screaming will do no good. If anything, we will look dumb, impolite, unprofessional. I suggest that we ask questions. Attempt to consult with individuals who can give us answers. Find out the root cause first before we take any radical steps...

Let not our emotions get the best of us.


Star Member
Nov 1, 2011
Arkansas2045 said:
Okey Dokey, if you say so :)

I believe we need to figure out the ROOT CAUSE of the problem before we start protesting or what not. We really have no idea, besides speculating that Canadian government is racist or Pakistani government is corrupt, why the timeline is ever on the rise. We want to shout and scream and show the world our pain, but if we don't know the cause of this pain all this yelling and screaming will do no good. If anything, we will look dumb, impolite, unprofessional. I suggest that we ask questions. Attempt to consult with individuals who can give us answers. Find out the root cause first before we take any radical steps...

Let not our emotions get the best of us.
My friend ask your Local Mp and they will tell you why the wait time is soo high - I spoke to mine already TWICE and she said that they moved the Canadian office from Kabul to Islamabad --- Yeah they moved it to Pakistan -- So i guess PAKISTAN IS NOT THAT BAD at all -- so same amount of officers are handling twice the work now.
I think they should divide the work between india pak bangladesh and Sirilanka so its fair --- Cant just dump it on Visa office


Champion Member
Mar 23, 2011
Visa Office......
ISLAMABAD - Wife case
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
22 Dec 2010
File Transfer...
27 Jan 2011
Med's Request
Re-medical April 23rd, 2012
Med's Done....
April 24th, 2012
Passport Req..
April 23rd, 2012 - PP sent on May 1st, 2012
June 1st, 2012 .. Alhumdulillah .. Total time = 17 months and 8 days
Jun 17th, 2012 .. Alhumdulillah :)
Arkansas2045 said:
Okey Dokey, if you say so :)

I believe we need to figure out the ROOT CAUSE of the problem before we start protesting or what not. We really have no idea, besides speculating that Canadian government is racist or Pakistani government is corrupt, why the timeline is ever on the rise. We want to shout and scream and show the world our pain, but if we don't know the cause of this pain all this yelling and screaming will do no good. If anything, we will look dumb, impolite, unprofessional. I suggest that we ask questions. Attempt to consult with individuals who can give us answers. Find out the root cause first before we take any radical steps...

Let not our emotions get the best of us.
The Canadian High commissioner in Pakistan Ross Hynes was previously posted in Kenya. He was responsible for the timeline in Kenya to go upto 32 months. Since he moved to Islamabad, the timeline went up from 6 months to 9 months, to 12 months, to 14 months, to 21 months to 23 months to 24 months. You catch my drift ?