CIC-I sent her REMEDICAL REQUEST on 27th April 2011. She received it on 03 May 2011. She did her REMEDICAL on 23 May 2011. The results were sent to New Delhi on 01 June 2011. and she got PPR on 09 July 2011 (her bday) which was sent on 07 July 2011.

I am on top of the world right now. Coz finally I can be with her. I have waited a lot to be with her. Ive known her since 2004 and got engaged in 2007 and did Nikah in 2009 and then formal reception in Dec 2010. so yeah LONG WAIT which is finally going to be over INSHALLAH. I just hope and pray that all of us get done with this process really quickly and no one has to wait for this long coz I know how difficult it is mentally and emotionally.