Ayesha, your time started from Aug 2010 as the AOR letter was issued in Aug 2010
I got some very imporatant information from someone who worked at Islamabad office untill recently so I thought I should share it with you and everyone else here.
The duration of this whole process depends on three factors:
1) Number of applications
2) Embassy Staff (Number of staff and efficiency)
3) Strength of your case (Sufficient proof of relationship and marriage)
The first two factors can't be controlled by us. But the third factor is definitely in our hands. Remember now they look for sufficient proof of relationship and not just a marraige certificate/Nikah nama and the wedding pictures. Now they are more interested in the constant communication proof such as Phone bills (call durations & text messaging), emails, online gift receipts, webchat logs (msn, skype). It would help your case if you show them pictures of cohabitation after marriage if there was any. Valima (Reception) pictures help alot along with Rukhsati pictures. Rukhsati is very important as now they don't issue a Visa without rukhsati.
So just make sure you submit all these proofs if you havn't submitted them yet. You can send out these supporting documents voluntarily. This way it becomes easier for you to prove the relationship to the decision making officer and you get your visa much quicker.
If the decision making officer doesn't think that enough proof of relationship is provided, he would put your file on the side and ask for more proof which would take alot of your time if you don't have it and in some cases you have to go for an interview if there is not enough evidence of relationship.
Danny4450 said:
Yayyy you've made me so happy
Actually, My Rukhsati took place in Dec- have sent the proofs, and earlier, i applied after Nikah so sent lots of proof then too. And even when i received the AOR (call logs, bills, lettters, emails)....they havent asked for more proof so i guess im on the right track. My medical expires in june. So i guess i should be hearing something once the medical expires? Since PCC expired in Dec...
I guess they should contact in July for Remed, Re Pcc, Remaining forms and inshAllah PPR!!!
Is yours a wife case? You're in Canada and your wife is here right?