Thank you so much Saroo. I appreciate your prompt reply. I pray the removal of address means that they are working on our files and a good decision is or will be made soon. I will remember you in my prayers INSHALLAH. It's Friday, InshALLAH I will make a dua for you and the remaining people on this forum. I am sure most of you already know this, but on Friday's between the time of Asr and Magrib, there is an hour where all duas are accepted. So why not we all sit down and make a dua for everyone, NOT ONLY to get the PPR, but ALSO to have a successful and happy married life even after our spouses come to Canada. Of course getting the PPR is half the battle, keeping your marriage strong is the other half.
As a request to everyone, especially Zohal since you are pregnant MashALLAH, please make dua that we all live happily with our spouses.

Thank you