since when did they increase the time from 26 months to 28 months? + 1 month for sponsorship approval

was it a very recent change? or has this been changed for quite some time?
I'm very confused. Some people sponsored their spouse in less then 8 months and others seem to take much longer then that
they said 28 months is the time for 80% of applications processed in recent years. what does that mean? does it mean it's the calculated average? or did 80% of applications take 28 months?
getting very confused with all this.
in the end it all comes down to dua. it's Allah's choice when our loved ones will come to live with us. As my parents love to tell me 'the day their food and drink is written in Canada, is the day they'll come.'
it's really consoling to think of the wait in this way.
Praying for all of us to be reunited soon. InshAllah.
I just sent in my application April 2nd 2013 so I know I have quiet some time to wait. ;D