Sis I have given them a lot of proof's such as...
1. Certified Nikah Nama.
2. Batt paki rasam pics.
3. Engagement Pics.
4. Nikah pics.
5. Me and wife was invited by couple of our relatives on dinner so pics from there.
6. Invitation card.
7. Jewlery receipt indicate my wife's name for example Mrs. ABC DEF W/O MR. ABC DEF.
8. Gifts receipt. I had my Nikah on 16th Oct so I send her gifts through on 16th of every month with greeting card.
9. Anniversary, Eid and birthday gifts we send to each other.
10. Letter of confirmation from one the well known bank in Pak confirming our relation and that I send her money on a monthly basis.
11. Money transfer receipt from one of the Pakistani money exchange service here in Toronto.
12. skype video chat proof.
13. sms proof.
14. call proof from both sides.
15. letter of confirmation from my wife's university in Pak confirming our relation along with change in her marital status.
16. proof from Facebook status updates for example me updating the status on my Nikah day and all my friends and relatives commenting on it and also comments on my pics.
17. Email response from Sheraton Hotel and Marina Club in Pak as I already inquire from them the cost for having mehndi and walima so I used their reply through email and send it as one of the proof to show CHC that I already have solid plans of what I will do once they will issue PPR.
18. Donation receipt from selani welfare Indicating that my wife made a donation on her and mine behalf.
I have send all these proof with all those documents that they were asking for such as educational info and NIC along with police clearance certificate
Awaiting 2012 said:
nope mate... reception is done...but im pretty sure its equivalent to a nikaah so im sure theres nothing to worry

you just have to give proof of marriage after all, & that is the certificate.... and i cud def use all the info i can get regarding this as i want to be well informed about cases more or less similar to mine so i can assess mine at the same time... i wud be glad to see what u have to share