Last year a lot of us sent standard letters to Harper, kenny and other minister about the timeline issues. A few applicants tried to go to news reporters for interviews, there were gatherings in GTA to sign petitions but at the end nothing happened. All we got for an answer was that they are working their hardest to unite family on a first come first basis. So the applicants this year can try it again to see if they listen to us this time...
Most of 2009 and early 2010 cases are stuck in longer background checks due to the old agency handling the BG checks so there are a few applicants who are in the same situation as you including saggit bro. All I could advise/suggest is that you order CAIPS to see if there is any unusual activity going on your file. Other than that you can't do much bust just wait like we did

MP was useless in my case as well, he told me not to contact him untill the process time acceeds the timeline on CIC website which is currently 24 months they only listen to you during elections. I hate conservatives I never have and I never will vote conservative.