zabi said:
Salam Sister.
As per my case, it did not look like system glitch. My address was disappeared on August 15 and reappeared on September 22. I sent e-mail to CHC ISB on Sep 13 and got respond on Sep 15, saying that they recived my documents and added to file on Aug 15th and waiting in queue for office. I got my PPR on September 24th and was sent on Sep 22. From their respond to my e-mail, I realized that when they opened my file same day my address diappeared (Aug 15)and when they issued PPR, my address reapperad(Sep 22). I hope this helps and I pray you wil get something soon Inshallah
Good Luck!!!
I agree with the statement that its a system glitch/bug:
Technically, It is definitely a bug in their system/application and there is no question about it. Bug is, when they open your file to do something related to file, system basically stopped displaying address on ecas and when they finished working on your file, address again shows up. Client address is always suppose to show whether someone is working on it OR not - so its a bug (bad for them and good for us

). I called it good for us because system bug is leaking info and we do get some idea from it after combining the email responses that we get from chc.
This system bug is the indication that someone is working on file OR someone opened the electronic file (maybe just to have a look). It doesn't exactly tell us that they are going to release ppr/ remedical / repcc/ interview call /updating caips notes etc. etc.... but yes if you look at your timeline and combine it with email responses then you can get some idea from it
So, I think whenever you see that address got disappeared then it is definitely the indication that someone touched your "electronic" file to do some activity (view/edit/update). I saw one post where one member claimed that his address got disappeared even after issuing visa so that is because 'Firstly', any Canadian official can open your file at anytime even after you landed; 'Secondly', we do know that they do update your file when they get notification from Canada that their client has been landed and I think they do update your file as well even after you get PRC (which basically happens after a month/two of landing)!
I do know that after a year/two (I am not sure after how many years - maybe three) what they will do they will completely erase ecas status for client's view but that doesn't mean they will remove it completely from their database but they'll actually disable the view access for client.
p.s.: Most of the Canadian official electronic systems are interlinked or at least interconnected by official Canadian IT Gateway/hub i.e from where officials have full access to your all records (you name it). All provinces have their own gateways/hubs and federal has its own.
Hope it helps!