You know it takes time to get drained out and exhausted enough to accept the brutality of CHC-ISB and start seeing this unfairness as part of fate than a human or act of Govt, sometimes the person inside us try to scream out for this emotional violence Jason Kenny and his team is committing but since our community members in Canada are outright cowards and the sponsors only want to cry and complain and chicken out of any way to challenge the Govt, as a stand alone person (as much as we feel that we are all together for the same cause on this forum) one can only sit back and relax (the message you get when you are installing windows and software takes control of your computer) since CHC-ISB has taken control of your life and all you can do is to watch what it is doing, any interruption will cause a bug in the installation of the program called marriage on your LIFE. I was browsing through files on internet and surprised to see that almost every damn CHC-mission abroad has been audited multiple times but no data available for CHC-ISB, clearly there is a purpose behind it which to to let them feel confident about their abuse of authority. the pain all of us go through is by design and on purpose, we just dont feel like accepting that having a spouse from Pakistani origin is an organized crime in western world in particular in Canada (since all other western nations still have faster times for spouses from Pak). In the nut shell, better look at your spouse as CYBER SPOUSE and imagine this process same as death and heaven experience, so you have to be born and work hard, do good deeds and then die and then deal with angels (in this case devils, an ex-angel anyways) and then wake up and then you get heaven, based on our timelines some of us are just born and already need heaven (I hope its heaven in the world of wild imaginations), good luck everybody