HERE IS MY TIMELINE..............
Jan 30, 2009 I sent application to Mississauga
Feb 25, 2009 Recived letter of "OK"
April 2009 My hubby send documents to Islamabad "Proof from his side"
July 2009 I went to MP for the first time and she said "wait till 9 months is over then come back"
October 2009 MP sent letter to Islamabad for inquiry
October 2009 MP recived letter "quew for interview"
December 2009 MP sent another inquiry
December 2009 MP got same respond from Islamabad
December 10, 2009 Hubby recived letter of interview
Jan 6, 2010 Hubby went for interview and I was able to tell by his voice that he was down

Jan 10, 2010 I called MP office to inquire about results. She said she can't do that!
Feb 2010 I called Islamabad about 15 times but why should they pick up:/ Useless phone number!!
April 2010 I send e-mail to Islamabad and they responded that "Quew for review"
June 2010 I called MP to inquire again
June 2010 MP got respond again "Quew for review"
August 2010 I e-mailed Pakistan when flooding was craaaazzzzzy like hell...close to my hubby's area
August 2010 I filed for Caips notes to get the answer once and for ALLLL
September 2010 Hubby recived letter asking us for proof of relationship, updated IMM forms and new pictures of both of us together!!
September 2010 I landed in Pakistan
October 2010 Took lots and lots of pictures and sent everything along with letter to explain as to why I had not gone back since first visit!! they also wanted answer if they reject then what.
October 2010 My hubby and I made a trip to Islamabad but we were not able to go in for inquiry........I tried even though I knew they would say "NO"
October 2010 I sent them an E-mail requesting to see them in person before leaving to Canada.
October 2010 We recived e-mail "No thank you, we have to review what we have right now"
October 2010 I came back to Canada and saw Caips notes on my table!!
October 2010 Recived re-medical request
Novomber 2010 send re-medical
December 2010 I e-mail Islamabad, got respond "background check and quew for review" again!!!!
December 2010 I went to MP office and this time he said"don't worry your hubby will be here end of summer 2011"
Jan 2011 Tired of waiting! Tired of running around like a FOOL!! My heart breaking

Feb 2011 Passport request
Feb 7, 2011 Passport send to Islamabad
bigmakdaddy said:
WHYWAIT what is your timeline?