Assalam o Alaikum Everyone,
Hope each one of you is doing great and is about to be united with his/her spouse or is already with his/her loved one like me, alhumdullilah. I landed in Canada, Toronto on 4th March, 2012. I traveled with PIA. Overall experience was good, not bad except they delayed take off by 3 hours, served breakfast on ground

and fed us with only one meal i.e. lunch around 6pm as per PST during 15hour flight. I, however, slept my way through for 80% of the time. My interview with the Canadian immigration officer at the airport went fairly well. I had to hire a porter for all the luggage that i brought with me which was around 8 pieces ( suitcases and cartons). Custom officer only asked me what would follow so i gave them my list and respective photographs. They stamped my docs and never checked/scanned my baggage. So all in all , it took me 2 hours at the airport.
I have been wanting to update you all for quite a while now, but got lazy... sorry about that !
I would be more than happy to answer questions, if any. Thank you
Fee Amman Allah.