Email that I was sent!
Dear Client,
Thank you for contacting the Citizenship and Immigration Canada Call Centre’s e-Services Unit.
The message that you have indicated is the result of a technical problem that has now been resolved. You should be able to continue accessing e-Client Application Status (e-CAS) without further difficulty. Please try again.
If you still experience technical difficulties, we need some additional information. Can you please provide:
1. Surname – Exactly as it appears on the passport or identity document
2. Given name – Exactly as it appears on the passport or identity document
3. Date of birth (YYYY-MM-DD)
4. Country of birth
5. Complete address (including the postal code). If the residential address is different from the mailing address, please provide both addresses.
6. Telephone Number. If you have more than one contact number, please provide them all.
7. Approximate date that the application was submitted
8. Office to which the application was sent (city, country)
9. Type of application (permanent residence, citizenship, sponsorship, permanent resident card)
Please also provide one of the following numbers (the number you used to access e-CAS):
Client ID number
File number
Receipt number
Permanent resident card number
Receipt (IMM 5401) (Citizenship only)
Record of landing number (IMM 1000)
Confirmation of permanent residence number (IMM 5292 or 5688)
Lastly, please provide us with two screen shots of:
The current page where you are experiencing the system problem;
The error message that you receive once you click on the link; and
specify the date and time that the problem occurred.
You can expect a response within five (5) working days of our receipt of the above information.
Zack, Agent 3573
Citizenship and Immigration Canada
Please Note: By initiating email communication with Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC), you are authorizing CIC to use your email address to communicate personal information on your file, or case, with you. You also understand that email communication may not be a secure channel. CIC is not responsible for communicating personal information to a third party when it has made the necessary efforts to identify them. CIC is also not responsible for the misuse of this information by a third party. To consult the CIC policy on Internet use, click here
Also please note that the information provided may change without notice. If there is conflicting information between the text in the email and the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, the Citizenship Act or their regulations, the Act and/or Regulations prevail. This email was sent to you in the language of your choice. Citizenship and Immigration Canada Internet information is available in both official languages. The masculine form is used for convenience; it refers to both men and women.