Yes that is true. as soon as I got my CSQ I submitted my application with Police certificate to Buffalo. I did not got any mail or ack from them. when I contacted them by mail they sent a reply saying that it takes about 34 weeks to open a file. and even after 34 weeks they did not sent me any updates. when I contacted them again then they send me a file number , that is it. nothing from then to so far.
in mean time this Buffalo closed and now I even do not know where my application is. Ottawa does not reply to my mail at all.
I applied for CAPIS notes . hopeful I will be getting that with a week or two.
is GCMS is different that CAIPS? if so can you send me the link how to apply for the same.
when I sent my application I sent money using postal order. I have not verified that if that is en-cashed or not.
if that is not encased they application would have returned back.
and recently I contacted local MP...and waiting for their response too..
I am thinking that my application is suck at background check. that could be because of my name