Great share for a read and realize Heatspine... Life is not always a fancy specially on arrival to a new country. So any practical guide makes us realistically prepared for what and what not to do... Thanx
heatspine said:A good read: (lifted from
The Big Mistake
Q. What is the most common mistake in planning a new life in Canada?
A. Spending too much time looking at Canadian real estate websites - spending too little time making sure you will survive financially.
To move to another country, you need strong motivation. Motivation for Canada is easy. Canada simply offers a better quality of life - whether you're moving from a developed country like Britain, or a developing country like India.
Thanks for sharing it and plus 1 for you.It is worth reading after all.I learned something..thank you!!
Canada offers fantastic houses at affordable prices. It does no harm to look at a few houses in Canada - it's great fun, it keeps your Canadian dreams alive, and it gives you some idea of where you might like to live in Canada.
Too many people have come to Canada and eaten into their savings, unable to find work. Unless you have an income from investments, your NUMBER 1 priority in planning your move should be to focus on making a living in Canada. More specifically, make sure Canadian employers will accept your qualifications and work experience. More specifically still, ensure you will be able to find work - any kind of work - until your ideal job comes up.
Some migrants, even from developed countries such as the USA and UK have been shocked to discover they need to take extra exams to work in Canada. A further blow many newcomers face is to be offered a job at the bottom of the career ladder, after leaving more senior positions in their home countries. It happens this way for many immigrants. The consolation is that, if you are truly capable in your job, once you have a little Canadian experience, career advancement can be rapid.
The following Canadian employment statistics are sobering:
One quarter of recent degree-qualified migrants are working in jobs that people without tertiary qualifications can do.
After three years in Canada, only one half of degree-qualified migrants get jobs relevant to their degrees.
Average earnings in Y2K for degree qualified male migrants, aged 25 to 54, who arrived in Canada during the 1990's, were $42,000. Average earnings for male Canadians were $66,000.
You should be focused on moving somewhere in Canada where your skills are needed. As far as climate goes, many of us would prefer to move to British Columbia's dry valleys, such as the Okanagan Valley. But will you be able to get a job there? If not, then your "ideal location" is less than ideal. Your truly ideal location is somewhere you will be able to get your first Canadian job and that all-important Canadian work experience to add to your resume.
Only when you have satisfactory answers to the following questions should you even think about applying for Permanent Residence in Canada. Do not assume anything. Check everything. It's your future that's at stake.
Are my qualifications sufficient for me to practise my profession / trade in Canada?
Is there a Canadian licencing authority for my profession / trade? Can I meet their requirements? If not, what will I need to do?
Is there any demand in Cananda for my particular skills? Where?
If you already have the right answers to these questions, congratulations, a better life in Canada awaits you.
If you don't, it's encouraging to note that, despite earlier job losses, in 2010 full-time jobs in Canada are growing in number and the Canadian economy appears to be weathering the economic downturn better than the USA and most other western economies.
A Final Word
I feel a little guilty for writing somewhat negatively. I hope I have not shattered your dreams. By all means, keep looking at houses for sale in Canada. Just make sure you'll be able to earn money in Canada when you get here. Then your Canadian dream may really come true.
Guilty as charged, heatspine! :heatspine said:A good read: (lifted from
The Big Mistake
Q. What is the most common mistake in planning a new life in Canada?
A. Spending too much time looking at Canadian real estate websites - spending too little time making sure you will survive financially.
We are hoping to live either on the southern Gulf Islands or the Sunshine Coast, the choice has not been made yet. My OH will be looking again in the Spring and then we will try to make a decision.heatspine said:That's great queen. Hubby figures how to earn, wifey figures how to spend
Seriously, you're doing a great job in your scouting. Tying the finances into a long term commitment for house mortgage requires careful planning. There are so many who take the plunge who do not seriously consider its consequences. You're so fortunate to have time to analyze the market. Where do you plan to get a property there? Can you give us some quick tips?
Great for a share Pippin... a fabulous view of the dreamland...........Life takes so precious when we have chance to soothe our eyes with such a beauty!!!Pippin said:Here is one of the loveliest Vancouver Cams you will find....On weekend mornings around 6am after the middle of May you can see the cruise ships coming into the harbour as well.
There is also the ability to look at archive pictures. Enjoy!!!
Thank you pipin for a great shot !!!Pippin said:Here is one of the loveliest Vancouver Cams you will find....On weekend mornings around 6am after the middle of May you can see the cruise ships coming into the harbour as well.
There is also the ability to look at archive pictures. Enjoy!!!
B.C is beautiful but it is miserable living anywhere with no money. Recreation opportunities are great if you have time when you do not need to work and can afford them, but if you have to work long hours just to make ends meet you may as well live anywhere.BCguy said:To all of planning to move to BC We are more expensive because We are the more desirable place to live in,For example Google Vancouver under most livable cities on EARTH.We always come out in the top 10.Google Most Romantic City in Canada You will get Victoria.Temprature today Vancouver 6 Victoria 8 Toronto -25 Montreal -29 Manitoba -32.Toronto is fine if all you care about is work,but if you have a choice you will pick BC.Remember Official CIC statetistics show the majority of Investors or people with the money to settle anywhere pick BC only the workers go to Toronto.I am not saying my province is best province to settle if you need a job quickly.But I dont think many can argue against the fact that the rich people who have the money to settle anywhere in Canada pick Vancouver A proud British Columbian