I am new to this thread, so Hello everyone!
My husband went over to Vancouver in June after lots of research and telephoning prospective employers. He had one interview lined up and then made appointments to see other employers while he was there and also did quite a lot of 'cold calling' on possible employers (they are fine with that in Canada, but they would not be in the UK!)
His interview was successful, so the company applied for the LMO which was granted,he worked his notice at and then left on the 22nd August, so quite a whirlwind between a visit and then the shock of being offered a job

! All our dreams seemed to have started to come true amazingly quickly. So B.C has got jobs - you just need to be persistent and search them out, they will not jump out at you!
He has been working there on TWP ever since as our FSW Cat2 goes through the system. We just received our positive eligibility review last week from CIO, so all seems well.
I stayed at home to make sure he had something to return to if the process did not go well or my husband did not like his new job or he felt after living there that Canada was not for us. Also for economic reasons - the exchange rate was terrible £ to $CAD so selling our house would have yielded a poor return and I could not have worked in my profession (teacher) until I am Permanent Resident, so all in all, it seemed a much better choice for him to go and me to stay until everything was sorted out officially.
This has worked very well indeed (our loneliness at being apart aside!).
Now my husband has been working there for several months and he is now sure that we are making the right choice. His job is going well, he has a nice little flat and is managing to save some money. Against what we were told, salaries are not bad; in fact my husband is earning significantly more than he was in the UK! He is building up a Canadian credit rating, which is
very important as nearly all places like you to use a credit card and it is hard to get one at the start. If you need car insurance, a mortgage or to borrow money in any way, a good Canadian credit rating gets you a much better rate of interest, I believe. He is learning all about the things that everyday life in B.C entails and finding all the differences from the UK. He is also scouting out areas and houses and looking at furniture and generally costing things so that we can make good decisions about what to ship and what to sell before we go. The cost of living is not as high as we were told to expect - it all comes down to knowing where to shop and finding all the little places that you already know in your own country but need to search for in a strange country. For instance, after sleeping on an inflatable bed for the last 4 months, my husband has just this weekend taken delivery of a new solid hardwood bed and mattress which was a
very reasonable price. It was worth waiting and looking around until he found somewhere with good quality at good prices because all the obvious places like Sears were terribly expensive.
Although the separation is difficult, I would recommend this way of doing things to anyone. It removes al the worries people have about landing in a strange country. It is also beneficial financially, as I have explained. It is easier to organise as it gives you time to get to know how things work and gives you more time to choose where to live, knowledge of house prices and transport etc.
Cat 1 is getting more restrictive and a trip over to secure a job, after appropriate planning, is well worth the expense if you are prepared to really go for it when you get there! Cat 2 is much more straightforward and you don't have to worry about caps being reached or fitting the NOC code.
I believed in my husband and he put everything into his job search and it has yielded fruit. They say God helps those who help themselves and it has been true for us. Fortune favours the brave!
So if anyone reading this has been told it is not possible,
it is. It isn't easy, but it is possible and worth going for, in our experience.
Sorry for such a long first post!