I now live and work in Vancouver.
An average 3 bedroom apartment (1500 sq ft) in Vancouver area is approx $1600 to $2000 a month to rent. To rent the same size in the suburbs, Richmond, Surrey, Abbotsford, Delta etc is approx $1200 to $1600 per month. Utilities for an average 4 person family are about $200 per month, cable (depending on how many extras you buy in the package) $150 per month but that does include the landline telephone. Cell phone plan for a family of 4, unlimited texts and calls ( a must with teenagers) approx $150 to $200 per month. House insurance for contents $50 a month. Food is expensive, again depending on the size of family budget for between $100 to $200 per week.
A one zone transit pass (this gives you travel in Vancouver only ) $84 per month, 2 zone (lets you travel further ie from North Vancouver to DownTown) $134 a month.....3 zone...forget it...get a cheap car....you will save money.
Jobs in Vancouver.....not good unless you work in either the film industry or high finance. Yes there are jobs, in fact loads of work but mainly on the lower end salary of $10 to $14 a hour.
Truth is, Vancouver is a beautiful city, the climate is perfect the environment unbeatable, the prices are stupidly high.
If I had to choose again or start over, I would not land in Vancouver unless I had loads of money to start with or a well paying job already lined up.
As another poster stated, start somewhere else and work up to moving to Vancouver.