omss said:
sen mobina jaffer tweet
Her tweets yesterday:
Sen. Mobina Jaffer @SenJaffer 21h
@mego149 @UshaPerera @adamgiggs @SenElaineMcCoy @ratnaomi @SenHarder
first we will be discussing the amendment or amendments #senCA
Sen. Mobina Jaffer @SenJaffer 20h
@mego149 @fakhirj there is no stalling. We are discussing amendments @ratnaomi
Sen. Mobina Jaffer @SenJaffer 20h
@fakhirj @mego149 @ratnaomi #C6
Hopefully by June #senCA
Sen. Mobina Jaffer @SenJaffer 14h
@fakhirj @mego149 @ratnaomi Thank you very much.
FIrst let #C6 become law #senCA
Sen. Mobina Jaffer @SenJaffer 14h
Tomorrow I will speak to Senator McCoy's amendment to #C6. Hopefully we can resolve this issue this week #senCa
In addition of my same post in the "Facts Only" thread, I'll add my comment of how I understand this.
She is still hopeful (but uncertain) #C6 could become law by June.
And this week, they'll be trying to resolve the issue of Senator McCoy's amendment (I have no idea what she means by that) and maybe, if they have time, also other amendments.
We're still far away from getting Royal Assent the way I see it.
I still find amazing that the third reading is supposed to last for 3 months.
If someone understands what she said differently, feel free to comment.
Follow-up of the Bill C-6:
Watch the Senate sittings:
Senate of Canada Order of the day:
Senate of Canada calendar:
Senate of Canada's twitter:
Twitter du Sénat du Canada:
Other Twitter accounts:
Liberal Senator Mobina Jaffer: @SenJaffer
Non-affiliated Senator Ratna Omidvar: @ratnaomi
List of Senators:
marcher said:
I see a lot of comments on here might make it difficult for a visitor to find out the latest regarding Bill C-6, so I will just include a summary of where the bill stands now:
• On December 15th, 2016 the Bill passed Second Reading and was referred to committee by Senator Omidvar
• The committee it was referred to is: Social Affairs, Science and Technology
• The committee is composed of the following Senators: 6 Conservatives, 3 Liberals, and 6 non-affiliated
• The following 2 non-affiliated Senators were appointed during Harper’s term: Jacques Demers and Don Meredith
• There are 15 votes, therefore a minimum of 8 votes are required to pass Bill C-6 through the Committee
• If all Cons vote No, and Libs vote Yes, then at least 5 out of 6 non-affiliated have to vote Yes
• One of the most possible scenarios is that the Committee will introduce amendments to the bill and send it back to House of Commons for approval. The bill can then go straight to Third Reading and Royal Assent.
Regarding the time frame; anything provided here by me or any other contributor is pure speculation, please do not take it as facts and start planning accordingly.
• The next Senate sitting is on Tuesday 31st, January.
• There is a big chance the Committee will meet the same week.
• It may take a couple of committee meetings to complete the amendments
• If no amendments are included, and there is a majority vote (highly unlikely), then the Bill could go to Third Reading after one Committee meeting
• The big question is when will the bill become law? My personal guess is it will get amended and go through the necessary route. It will not be delayed the same way it was before because the amendments will try to reach some level of compromise to keep the Cons happy. So I would say probably beginning of March would be a reasonable date for Third Reading.
Marcher, if you ever have time to give an update to this, personally, I would love it