What will happen on Tuesday, April 4th?
You can now find the order paper for Tuesday here:
Here's the explanation:
There are three motions before the senate at the moment:
1. The motion that C-6 is read the third time (and therefore passes the Senate)
2. The motion to amend C-6 (appeals process)
3. A new motion to change the amendment: replace "written notice by the minister" into "notice by the minister".
The motions have to be dealt with from bottom to top.
They were having a vote on the last motion (no. 3) on Thursday (March 30) just by voices (that means all in favour say "Aye" and then all against say "Nay" and the Speaker says which one he thinks is more). The Speaker then said he thinks the Nays were more. However, if two senators insist, there is an actual roll call where every senator's vote is recorded. This was the case (for the third time that day by the way). However, since it was quite late, the Senate voted to be adjourned until Tuesday, 2pm. However, since they will start with the usual Question Period etc, they fixed the time for this roll call to 5:30pm.
As you can see, the 5:30pm vote will be on:
That the motion in amendment be not now adopted, but that it be amended by replacing the words “written notice” by the word “notice”.
This means this vote by name will only be on the question if "written notice" should be replaced by "notice".
Afterwards they will still have to do vote no. 2 in the list above and then vote no. 1 in the list above (in that order), all this will be intertwined with debate and will not happen in a day for sure.